The coming Oz election thread ...

Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 06:46 am

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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 06:50 am
..... & your platform? :wink:
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 07:46 am
don't want to get too carried away
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 03:28 pm
moondoggy wrote:
don't want to get too carried away

You will be if that rocket goes off...
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 03:32 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
Yall are blessed with mercifully short campaigns-ours start one day after the election. The trade-off is yall's are incredibly nasty during their short duration.
I'll watch from the sidelines with great interest. Thanks. johnboy

That is a really interesting observation, RJB.

Can you tell me more about what you mean?

My subjectivity tells me that your campaigns are much nastier - because of all the personal abuse re war records and all of that, or matters sexual - which I have never seen in an Oz campaign. But - of course, I cannot see our political campaign culture as an outsider does...what are the things that mark it as "incredibly nasty" for you?
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 05:42 pm
dlowan, I will (temporarily) retract my last comment. It made sense to me at the time I posted it, but it may take me some time to compose an explanation for what I was attempting to say. Certainly the vitriolic speeches last night by Cheney and Miller would seem to prove me wrong!
Hurricane Frances is Topic A right now. Who's got a bulls-eye painted on their town? Back later. Please wish the folks in FL good luck. -rjb-
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 06:37 pm
Good luck to the folks in Florida! Shocked
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 07:08 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
dlowan, I will (temporarily) retract my last comment. It made sense to me at the time I posted it, but it may take me some time to compose an explanation for what I was attempting to say. Certainly the vitriolic speeches last night by Cheney and Miller would seem to prove me wrong!
Hurricane Frances is Topic A right now. Who's got a bulls-eye painted on their town? Back later. Please wish the folks in FL good luck. -rjb-

Oh - ok.

But, don't do that (temporarily retract) thinking I was offended, or anything. I am just really interested.
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 07:21 pm
Two sides of the story in this morning's AGE. Partisan arguments for why you should vote for either side. (Actually, why you shouldn't vote for the OTHER side.):

Why you should vote for Latham

... "Howard's vision, if there ever was one, was of an Australia which is "relaxed and comfortable". This hasn't worked. Australians are less relaxed and more anxious that ever and the PM wandering round in an Akubra and calling people "mate" doesn't help. In fact, they wonder if that cherished Australian identity - easygoing, friendly and egalitarian - hasn't been seriously weakened by a Prime Minister who seeks to exploit it." ...


Why you should vote for Howard

... "Mark Latham ... is inexperienced, is not across the detail, is talking only in vague generalities, while hiding his policies from the electorate. All this points to someone who is a very substantial risk. "

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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 07:32 pm
...and Leunig's view of what's on offer from Labor & the Libs:

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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 07:43 pm
... and an interesting article on the media's presentation of the election issues so far ....

The decline of the gallery
September 3, 2004

Our political media are wearing self-made straitjackets in this election campaign, writes Max Suich.

... "It seems significant to me that this paper's Michelle Grattan can rely on more space - and, often, get more prominence - for her weekly columns than for her major stories that, because of their complexity, need space and context.

So the rigid news cycle accommodates rather than confronts the stone wall, the editors don't ask the question of their reporters, and the reporters on the road are often the less experienced. The result is the numbing orthodox - a self-made straitjacket.

The prime example of this in the campaign's first week was the campaign launch, with its hectares of unread newsprint in special supplements and the charges and counter-charges of "liar, liar" that set the style and were the substance of the coverage that editors and producers will soon complain is turning off their audience."


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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 08:01 pm
And the prize for the stooping the lowest (so far!), to gain political advantage by dishonest & opportunistic methods, goes to Phillip Ruddock, Oz's Attorney-General:

... "The Australian Democrats today joined in the criticism of Attorney-General Philip Ruddock after he used the Russian school hostage crisis to attack Labor over its security policy.

Labor accused Mr Ruddock of stooping to a new low following his comments that terrorist attacks around the world, including the school siege, showed now was not the time to disrupt Australia's security arrangements with Labor's alternatives."

More criticism of Ruddock over hostages
September 3, 2004 - 8:11AM


But then, we shouldn't be surprised by Ruddock's comments. After his compassionate period as Immigration Minister & the strategies he used to deal with the "illegal immigrants" issue, during the last election.
But how low can he go Rolling Eyes
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 04:04 am
The latest 'schlock' film is 'Alien v Predator" with the tagline.... 'Who-ever wins, we lose". It's starting to sum up my feelings about this whole friggin' thing.
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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 04:12 am
Laughing But it's early days yet, Mr S! We could all be totally deranged in 5 weeks time, so we'd better pace ourselves. And imagine the giant porky that Howard with need to produce at the 11th hour, if things aren't looking good for the Libs, to scare the living daylights out of the swinging voters! Something to look forward to! Twisted Evil
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 04:37 am
Oh, the humanity!!!!
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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 05:15 am

Awful situation, but I couldn't help laughing at Nicholson's latest Johnny Howard cartoon. Too clever by half, this sneaky rodent!
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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 05:53 am
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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 06:03 am
oh, to weed out drugs in art...
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melbournian cheese
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2004 05:20 pm
True Fictions by Chris Henning. Sydney Morning Herald 4-5 September 2004.


Look! said Mr. Porky to Little Miss Normal. A huge gorilla is coming!
EEK! said Little Miss Normal. My way of life might be at risk!
Your way of life is at risk! said Mr. Porky. Vote for me and I'll protect it!
So Little Miss Normal did, and Mr. Porky closed her school, took away her hospital and made her pay 10 per cent more for everything.
Hey! Where's my school? she said. Where's my hospital?
Oh those? They were old and run down so I got rid of them, said Mr. Porky.
But you said you'd protect my way of life, not ruin it!
No I didn't! said Mr. Porky, looking shifty. Anyway you have greater freedom of choice now! he added quickly, sweating a little bit.
You lying little creep! and where's the effing gorilla?
At no stage did I ever promise you a gorilla, said Mr. Porky, who was looking more shifty and shonky than ever.
Here I am! laughed Mr. Gorilla breaking through Little Miss Normal's front door with a crash. Is Mr. Porky molesting you? Vote for me and I'll protect your way of life!
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Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2004 01:31 am
Laughing Yes, it's rather like that, isn't it, Melbournian cheese?

And welcome to the thread! I may be wrong in my workings out, but I figure you might a a student, from your Melbourne/Sydney thread. So what's YOUR take on the options offering in this election? (Sorry if I've gotten this all wrong, OK? Smile ) I'd be interested to hear your views.
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