The coming Oz election thread ...

Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2004 06:53 am
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Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2004 08:31 am
The slug (Howard) seems to be running scared. That worthless piece of sh!t couldn't lie straight in bed.
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Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 06:16 am
Letter to the Editor
the AGE, today

Liar - or idiot?

I'm getting a little confused about the motivations behind John Howard's now well-worn lines of excuse, which state that the reason he continued trumpeting on about the disgraceful children-throwing asylum seekers, and Saddam Hussein's massive and threatening stockpile of weapons, was because no one told him to do anything different.

If for a moment we ignore all the blatantly obvious evidence to the contrary, an even more puzzling picture takes form. Because by continually heralding said reasons, all Mr Howard is in fact managing to do is spell out for us his highly advanced level of incompetence.

If the Prime Minister of a sovereign state can't even perform some simple processes of verification and critical analysis and instead, as he claims, just does what he's told and fails to look beyond the tip of his nose, the debate over whether he lied becomes less important in the lead-up to this election because, quite frankly, he's a self-confessed idiot.

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Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 06:46 am
Meanwhile, the oppostion leader is in hospital, ill :

Latham's return to work uncertain, says Macklin
August 19, 2004 - 4:31PM

Opposition Leader Mark Latham should be out of hospital by the weekend but it was unclear when he would be back at work, deputy Labor leader Jenny Macklin said today.

Ms Macklin, the acting Opposition leader, said Mr Latham, who is recovering from an inflamed pancreas, was expected to be released from hospital within days.

But she would not speculate on whether he would be well enough to return to work in time for the next sitting of federal parliament on August 30.

"All I know is, he expects to be home by the weekend," Ms Macklin told reporters.

"He's feeling much, much better."

The Labor leader had tests last night in Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital to determine what caused his crippling inflammation of the pancreas.

A hospital spokesman said Mr Latham was in a stable condition and resting in a public ward today.

Ms Macklin said Mr Latham had sounded chirpy when she spoke to him by telephone this morning.

"He was very cheerful," she said.

"He's certainly improved out of sight.

"He's not in any pain any more and he certainly expects to be home by the weekend and we expect him back at work very soon."

Ms Macklin brushed aside questions about whether she was prepared to lead Labor into the election campaign if Mr Latham was still unwell.

"I can tell you I'll be out and about with Mark Latham and I'm sure he'll be back on deck very soon," she said.

Mr Latham, 43, was taken to Sydney Hospital late on Tuesday after suffering stomach pains in his Sydney office while talking to former prime minister Bob Hawke.

Prime Minister John Howard has wished him a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of the pancreas, most common among men aged over 30, can be related to gallstones or excessive alcohol consumption or to bad diet.

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Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 06:50 am
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drom et reve
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 06:56 am
I sincerely hope that Howard is voted out in the forthcoming election. I can't believe that people like him are allowed into Politics (despite 90% of them being rather similar..)

(Amusingly, I wrote a letter to Howard and his aides asking whether and why he felt fighting Sadaam Hussain would be beneficial for Australia. He replied with a biographical timeline of his amazing time in office...)

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Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 07:00 am
Well, you didn't expect an actual response to your question, surely, Drom? Rolling Eyes That is not Mr Howard's style at all ....
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Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 07:09 am
But congratulations for taking the time to write & express your concerns to the Oz government. I'm impressed! I hope you were impressed with your response! Laughing

It's interesting: Truth in government is actually fast becoming an election issue.
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drom et reve
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 07:36 am
O no, I didn't expect that he would reply... I just did it to see their response. In fact, over twenty years, since writing to them when I was really young, I've only ever got one proper, handwritten response. It was from Charles Kennedy, leader of the Lib Dems, who said how he fell into politics, how he always wanted to be a spaceman. Laughing

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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 03:39 am
Laughing Really?
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 03:41 am
Yep Laughing. That he was the only one who bothered to answer properly is somewhat telling ;D.

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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 03:45 am
He probably thought you'd understand, Drom! Laughing
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 03:48 am
Well, I actually do; I vote for his party every year Laughing!

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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 03:51 am
Anyone who'd admit to that deserves to be voted for! They's HAVE to be honest! Laughing
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 03:56 am

They are the most honest party out there... and they beat Tony Blair in the local elections, so that has to be good Very Happy.

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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 04:01 am
I don't know all that much about them, apart from their being in the middle, between the Tories & Labour (Labor? Confused ). But their leader sounds a damn sight more endearing than Tony Blair! <sigh> Better to have wanted to be a spaceman than to become a war monger any day, I say! Kinda touching! Laughing
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 04:10 am
You've almost got that right, Olg; but most political scientists say now, (and I agree,) that Labour are right of centre, like the Tories, but Labour have the working-class vote because of ignorance. WC people grow up thinking that Labour does things for them, and hardly ever question it, even though Labour screw them over as much as the Cons. Lib Dems are centralists and libertarians, but not in the wacko, Perot way... it's about time that they were given a chance.

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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 04:17 am
Yes, NEW Labour is definitely another kettle of fish. Did you know that Tony Blair was inspired by Paul Keating (Oz ex Labor leader & prime minister) & the new definitions of Labor under Keating's leadership? Now THAT certainly wasn't about doing wonderful things for the workers! Shocked

(It becomes confusing this Labour/Labor business, doesn't it?
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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 04:28 am

The political cartoonists are having a field day at the moment with "Honest John".
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 04:31 am
Old Labour was a worthwhile party, the opposite of the Cons, you're right. But, apparently, people just don't go for the likes of Tony Benn or Kinnock.

I didn't know that. That is worrying, Msolga. Anyone copying Keating needs their heads examined.

Did Labor used to be socialist, too? Or was it always a pseudo-party? So, with the Liberals not being so Liberal, and Labor not being Labourist, who can be elected? Is Latham a decent guy, or are people voting for him for lack of any other serious competitor?

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