Earl Grey wrote:mysteryman wrote:No soldier enjoys killing,period.
I've already pointed out why this statement is wrong.
mysteryman wrote:... on the battlefield,its is a fight between trained,similarly equipped...
Similarly equipped? Which battlefield is that?
Certainly not in the latest US war on Iraq. I'm absolutely not saying that having superior equipment is wrong, just that the phrase "similarly equipped" is irrelevant.
mysteryman wrote:Terrorists on the other hand,are NOT soldiers in any definition of the word.
A terrorist is a coward at heart,without honor,and deserving of no quarter from trained troops.
The word terrorist still needs a definition.
What about guerilla warfare?
The way I see it regular armed forces, guerilla forces and terrorists are all examples of an extension of politics through the use of force in order to attain a political goal.
If you have overwhelming resources, like if you are a superpower, then it's easy to take the high road, but if you are fighting a superpower, then it's obvious that you cannot win by using regular armed forces. You then use those means at your disposal that are most likely to be successful.
A suicide bomber is the same as a regular soldier in the sense that both are an extension of politics.
mysteryman wrote:You are trying to make the case that strategic bombing... kill innocents...
My main point there is that terror bombing which was widely used from the Spanish Civil War up to at least the end of the Vietnam War was part of military strategy and the crews of those planes were certainly considered soldiers and their missions were in part or in full to kill civilians.
It is not correct to define a soldier as someone who does not kill civilians or even as one who does not enjoy killing civilians.
mysteryman wrote:... we do everything we can to avoid innocent deaths,but in the final analysis,it comes down to something General Patton is supposed to have said..."You don't win a war by dying for your country,you win by making the other poor SOB die for his"
IMO Gen Patton's point was: It's a fool that puts glory and fair play over winning. Let the other side be heroic as long as my side wins.
Ok,then you show me any soldier that ENJOYS killing. No NORMAL,RATIONAL soldier enjoys it,but we all recognize that sometimes it must be done.
Yes,every army on the world is similarly equipped.They all have tanks,artillery,grenades,rifles,pistols,etc.
It just so happens that our are better,and we train harder in how to use them. Iraq was equipped with the latest Russian tanks,and we blew thru them.I watched a column of 4 USMC tanks take on and destroy 15 Iraqi tanks,because we had better training and equipment.
That does not mean that the Iraqi equipment was substandard or that their crews were illtrained,but we were better.
Define terrorist and terrorism?
Ok,lets start with the Encyclopedia Brittanica online,ok...
"Terrorists use violence in an attempt to achieve political goals. Their intent is to bring about political change by creating a climate of fear within the society they oppose. The targeting of innocent victims and symbolic locations for a high-profile attack has long been the preferred method of terrorist organizations. "
As for the US army definition,I suggest you actually read it. For your convenience,here is a link to it...
from the link I direct your attention to this...
Terrorist acts are criminal acts, whether committed in peacetime or wartime. One difference in terrorism counteraction in wartime involves jurisdiction to punish terrorists. In peacetime, terrorist acts are punishable under domestic (local) criminal law. This is also true for a low-intensity conflict (LIC) which is characterized by police actions to maintain the legitimate government. If, however, the conflict is internationally recognized as an insurgency, then the protections under article III common to the four Geneva conventions apply. Article III requires that noncombatants, including captured terrorists, be treated humanely.
Even in an internationally recognized war or conflict (conventional, limited, or civil war), a terrorist act is a criminal act. Only combatants can legitimately attack proper military objectives. Lawful combatants who commit violations of the law of war, such as attacking unlawful targets, are entitled to prisoner of war status and are subject to the law of war. Terrorists, by definition, do not meet the four requirements necessary for combatant status (wear distinctive insignia, carry arms openly, commanded by someone responsible for their actions, and conduct their operations in accordance with the law of war). Therefore, they are not afforded prisoner of war status. However, the law of war requires that we treat captured terrorists humanely. Terrorists can be tried under local criminal law or under military jurisdiction by a court-martial or a military tribunal"
So,there is no way a terrorist can be called a soldier,by ANY stretch of the imagination.
I would also suggest you read the Geneva convention,and see what it says about terrorists.I would point this out to you though...
"Art. 4. Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals.
Nationals of a State which is not bound by the Convention are not protected by it. Nationals of a neutral State who find themselves in the territory of a belligerent State, and nationals of a co-belligerent State, shall not be regarded as protected persons while the State of which they are nationals has normal diplomatic representation in the State in whose hands they are."
FYI,Iraq and the rest of the middle Eastern countries are NOT bound by the convention.
Guerilla warfare is totally different.After the philippines fell in WW2,US and Filipino soldiers conducted guerilla warfare.They were supported by,and wore the uniforms of,their respective countries.