A college applicant doesn't choose one based only upon academic reputation and excellence, financial considerations perhaps the biggest factor--of course to avoid serious lifetime debt. Sometimes leaving no choice but a lower-tier or non-ranking school, this shouldn't discourage him from pursuing graduate studies, even when statistics show most prestigious universities preferring the applicant from Ivy League
Aja, sincerely hoping it helps; if not for upcoming beckoning yard work I'd certainly have done better than at the present instance but, on the other hand, you might have more luck attracting help by those better at this than I, supposing that you're imposing upon the afformentioend to do your homework, if you were to break it up into separate postings...
Forgive, aja. As far as grammar alone, I'd've writ "...an Ivy-League school..." tho readily concede--thinking it over--some disagreement might be encountered hereabout (that is within a2k) in this assertion, especially involving punctuation; more subject, as I am sure you will agree; to the vagaries of contempt, I'm hesitant, however, to remark, in this day and age of instant communication by digital means...
Again Aja forgive. But best of luck, and it's been fun