Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 11:21 pm
Mrs. Clinton was won over. Opposition leaders “said all the right things about supporting democracy and inclusivity and building Libyan institutions, providing some hope that we might be able to pull this off,” said Philip H. Gordon, one of her assistant secretaries. “They gave us what we wanted to hear. And you do want to believe.”

Her conviction would be critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces. In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a “51-49” decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.

The consequences would be more far-reaching than anyone imagined, leaving Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven, a place where the direst answers to Mrs. Clinton’s questions have come to pass.

This is the story of how a woman whose Senate vote for the Iraq war may have doomed her first presidential campaign nonetheless doubled down and pushed for military action in another Muslim country. As she once again seeks the White House, campaigning in part on her experience as the nation’s chief diplomat, an examination of the intervention she championed shows her at what was arguably her moment of greatest influence as secretary of state. It is a working portrait rich with evidence of what kind of president she might be, and especially of her expansive approach to the signal foreign-policy conundrum of today: whether, when and how the United States should wield its military power in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 11:24 pm
Damn. Busted. I'm Red Sonya. Anyway, it's much easier for the pathetic establishment Dems around here to believe than dealing with the utter corruption of your horrible candidate.

Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 11:51 pm
Your sources use the same pathetic lines that the stupid Russian paid trolls over at YouTube use: The United States is about to collapse economically because of its debt, so far it has only been propped up by the "petrodollar" which has made the dollar the "reserve currency" of the world, but as soon as BRICS and other non-Western economic unions get together and start trading with themselves in their own or other currencies besides the dollar, the dollar will no longer have value and the entire economy of the US will immediately collapse. Gonna happen any day now.

Some righties hate Obama so much that they actually believe the Russian propaganda and start espousing it themselves. Essentially, the Bundy-loving right wing have become dupes of Kremlin trolls, most of whom are language majors barely out of college. They are centered around St. Petersburg, Russia.

And here you are, using a Russian propaganda front as a reference link. Hmmmm........
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 05:36 am
why is it in America, people don't say anything when we spend a trillion dollars for a fighter jet we can't use, but people whine that we can't afford healthcare?

I hope people will wake up and break free from their government-induced hallucinations.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 06:31 am
That is a high quality website with award-winning journalists contributing. Take your blinders off.
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 06:40 am
“She’s very careful and reflective,” Ms. Slaughter said. “But when the choice is between action and inaction, and you’ve got risks in either direction, which you often do, she’d rather be caught trying.”

Unlike Clinton, you seem to be arguing, "Let the brown people all die."
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 06:44 am
Mrs. Clinton did not directly push Mr. Obama to intervene in Libya. Nor did she make an impassioned moral case, according to several people in the room.

Instead, she described Mr. Jibril, the opposition leader, as impressive and reasonable. She conveyed her surprise that Arab leaders not only supported military action but, in some cases, were willing to participate. Mostly, though, she warned that the French and British would go ahead with airstrikes on their own, potentially requiring the United States to step in later if things went badly.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 06:47 am
This Is How Hard It Is To Get A Voter ID In Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN — A few days before millions of Wisconsin voters head to the polls to vote in the Republican and Democratic primaries, Ernest Barksdale and Nefertiti Helem struggled up the steps of Milwaukee’s downtown DMV in the pouring rain, hoping to obtain IDs that comply with the state’s voter ID law.

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled overhead as Helem, leaning on a cane and clutching Barksdale’s arm, entered the office soaking wet and panting. She is battling a genetic degenerative disease that makes walking more painful each year, but said she didn’t want it to stop her from participating in the election.

“I feel like it’s my duty. I feel obligated to vote,” she told ThinkProgress after catching her breath. “It feels better to be a part of it all. I want to help get somebody in office who can help everyone out. I want to have a voice and a say in who becomes president.”

The couple, who moved from Chicago in 2013, live in an apartment complex for low-income seniors and people with disabilities on Milwaukee’s north side. Neither can drive. Barksdale has a high school education, while Helem studied through the ninth grade. Before staff members from the local voter education groups VoteRiders and Citizen Action came to their home and gave a presentation about the voter ID law, they did not know that neither their Illinois IDs nor their Social Security cards would be accepted at the polls.

“We didn’t know where to go and how to obtain a Wisconsin ID,” Barksdale told ThinkProgress on the drive to the DMV. “I just knew I couldn’t go all the way back to Chicago to vote, and I wanted to vote in the city I live in.”

Milwaukee native Anita Johnson, who works with VoteRiders and Citizen Action, twisted around from the drivers seat and explained that when she learned Barksdale and Helem needed help, she offered them a ride. She has spent the last few months helping about 100 people like Barksdale and Helem obtain IDs, but says she’s worried confusion around the law could disenfranchise thousands. She and other voting rights advocates point to the example of Texas, where half of the residents who said they didn’t vote in 2014 because the lacked a voter ID actually had an acceptable ID and didn’t know it.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker signed Wisconsin’s voter ID law in 2011, but it was tied up in court battles until 2015. While some federal judges held that the law unconstitutionally burdens low-income people of color like Helem and Barksdale, the Supreme Court eventually allowed the law to stand. Tuesday will be the first presidential election in the state’s history where a photo ID will be required at the polls.

Walker and other Wisconsin Republicans have asserted that the law is necessary because the state is “riddled” with voter fraud. Yet independent studies have found such fraud to be virtually non-existent in the state. The Brennan Center for Justice found just seven cases of voter fraud out of three million votes cast in Wisconsin during the 2004 election — a rate of 0.0002 percent. When voters challenged the ID law in court, Walker’s lawyers were unable to offer a single instance of known voter impersonation as evidence. After hearing the arguments for and against the law, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman wrote that “no rational person could be worried about” voter fraud, and held that the law presented an unconstitutional “denial or abridgment of the right to vote.”

After filling out a series of forms at Milwaukee’s DMV and posing for a picture, Barksdale was able to obtain a state ID he can use to vote on Tuesday. Helem was not, because she did not have a copy of her birth certificate. Though she presented her Social Security card, proof of residence, and Illinois State ID, the DMV staff said it would take them at least three weeks to find and verify her birth certificate.

Helem, who during the car ride had gushed about her excitement for Hillary Clinton, sunk into a plastic chair after she learned the news. She told ThinkProgress she was “a little upset” and “kind of disappointed.”

“But the law is the law,” she sighed. “I can’t break the law just because I feel like voting. At least I’ll be ready next time.”

Silent airwaves, confused voters

Johnson says she has encountered many people who, like Barksdale and Helem, were confused about or unaware of the voter ID law. More than a dozen states have passed such laws over the last five years, a feat made easier by the Supreme Court striking down a key section of the Voting
Rights Act. This year, 33 total states will have such a law in place. Yet Wisconsin’s law is an outlier in its stringency, accepting a narrower list of acceptable IDs and providing fewer avenues for voters who face barriers to acquiring one.

While other states have spent millions to educate their voters about the new requirements, Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled legislature never approved the funds to do so. The Government Accountability Board created PSAs, but have no budget to buy airtime to get them to the public. Nothing in the law compels radio and TV stations — in the middle of a heated election when the cost of airtime is skyrocketing — to air these educational messages.

As Johnson shuttled Barksdale and Helem back home from to the DMV, a stream of constant campaign ads poured out of car radio.

“Bernie Sanders marched with Dr. Martin Luther King.”

“Rebecca Bradley: too extreme for Wisconsin.”

Ted Cruz: the only candidate who can stop Donald Trump.”

Johnson down the volume and sighed. “Imagine if some of those ads were about which ID people can bring,” she said. “The state should have put something on radio and TV, put signs on buses, put information up in laundromats and libraries, everywhere they could reach people.”

Non-profit groups like VoteRiders, Citizen Action, and the League of Women Voters have been scrambling to fill this information void. For the past several months, Johnson has been giving up to four presentations a week at churches, homeless shelters, food pantries, and high schools, and nearly ever time she finds people like Barksdale and Helem who lack the proper ID and do not know how to obtain it.

In Milwaukee County alone, an estimated 91,000 people lack a proper ID. Experts hired by the state to testify in a lawsuit over the ID law said up to 300,000 eligible voters statewide could be disenfranchised, while voting rights advocates say the true number could be much higher. Because the state will hand out delegates on Tuesday to whichever candidate wins each
congressional district, a small number of people disenfranchised by the law could have a major impact on the 2016 race.

Some counties, including Milwaukee, have begun offering free bus rides to the DMV, but many residents who work multiple jobs are not able to take advantage of this service.

Johnson she’s even more worried about those who live outside the state’s large urban centers. “I am really concerned about people who live in rural areas, where the DMV opens only once a month, and who may not know about the changes to the law,” she said. “We have people working all over the state but there are still some people who are going to fall through the cracks.”

More problems ahead

Johnson says changes recently approved by Gov. Walker could make elections worse in the future. The governor signed a bill that will dissolve the state’s non-partisan Government Accountability Board and replace it with separate Elections and Ethics boards made up of partisan members appointed by the governor. The same legislative package also hampers the agency’s ability to investigate political corruption — a move widely seen as retaliation for their investigation into whether Walker illegally coordinated with outside groups during his recall election.

Johnson and other voting rights advocates are also sounding the alarm about a bill the governor signed this month giving residents the option to register to vote online, but abolishing a program that trained community groups to conduct voter registration drives.

“Right now, I can just register anybody,” Johnson explained. “When I go to churches to speak, for example, I can register people to vote. I won’t be able to do that anymore, unless I can carry around a computer and a copy machine, since they want an ID and proof of residence attached when you register.”

While voting rights groups are praising the implementation of online voter registration, they note that many of the state’s residents who live in poverty have no access to the internet.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 07:37 am
Yeah I was being hypothetical, hence the frequent use of the word 'if'.

I tell you what... IF Hilary does eat babies for breakfast, I will not vote for her. No way. I don't vote for baby eaters.
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 07:57 am
Olivier5 wrote:

Yeah I was being hypothetical, hence the frequent use of the word 'if'.

I tell you what... IF Hilary does eat babies for breakfast, I will not vote for her. No way. I don't vote for baby eaters.

I support you in that principled stance.
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 08:19 am
IF, on the other hand, God sends me a clear sign that she is a re-incarnation of Joan of Arc, I WILL vote for her.

UNLESS (of course) it's proven that she had sex with the devil... That would be a deal breaker.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 08:23 am
Quote Lash:
That is a high quality website with award-winning journalists contributing. Take your blinders off.

Foreign Policy Journal, which you quoted, is not a high quality website, it pushes Kremlin propaganda. Such articles as "Russia's False Hopes" with quotes such this make that clear:
Russia so desperately desires to be part of the disreputable and collapsing West that Russia is losing its grip on reality.

Despite hard lesson piled upon hard lesson, Russia cannot give up its hope of being acceptable to the West. The only way Russia can be acceptable to the West is to accept vassal status.

Russia being made into a vassal state? Are they kidding? Here are some examples of Russia's previous non-vassalhood that Foreign Policy Journal longs for:

Hungary uprising 1956


Czechoslovakia 1968


Poland 1956

This is Foreign Policy Journal's idea of Russia being in a non-vassal state. And you quote this website to support your positions. As well as celebrating Russia's military capability as being close to ours, so we'd better watch out.

Interesting, isn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 08:50 am
parados wrote:

“She’s very careful and reflective,” Ms. Slaughter said. “But when the choice is between action and inaction, and you’ve got risks in either direction, which you often do, she’d rather be caught trying.”

Unlike Clinton, you seem to be arguing, "Let the brown people all die."

While you may be arguing kill brown people regardless of the consequences.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 08:59 am
You're thinking of Foreign Policy, which is a different publication.

Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 10:12 am
According to Bloomberg Politics, Hillary Clinton has 1,712 delegates and super delegates and Bernie Sanders has 1.011 delegates and super delegates.

see here

One of CNN's on-screen headlines on Wednesday was "Democratic Race Tight Without Superdelegates." That is not true.

How bad is it for Bernie Sanders? A new survey in Wisconsin released today by the highly respected Marquette Law poll gave the Vermont senator a solid lead, 49 percent, to 45 percent for Hillary Clinton — which is terrible news for Sanders if he hopes to capture the nomination. That's because he would need to win by a much larger margin in Wisconsin — Nate Silver estimates a 16-percentage-point landslide — to get on pace to finish with more pledged delegates than Clinton.

And that's not the worst of it. In New York, where Sanders would need to win by 4 percentage points, the latest poll from Quinnipiac as Clinton beating Sanders by 12 percentage points. The situation is even worse in Pennsylvania.

Of course, the polls can change, but there's no particular reason to believe they will. And polls can be wrong, as they were in Michigan (where Sanders won despite a large polling lead for Clinton). Still, the polls have been accurate in many states this year.

Sanders is running an impressive campaign and winning lots of supporters, but he simply isn't close to winning the nomination. Nor is that some sort of fluke related to the way Democrats do things. After all, since he gained on Clinton over the summer and fall, she's maintained a fairly stable lead of about 10 percentage points in the primaries and caucuses.

He's exceeded what he needed to do in caucus states. But he's underperformed in primary states. That leaves him about 100 delegates short of where he would need to be at this point, and about 250 pledged delegates behind Clinton overall.

Of course, regardless of how we feel about superdelegates, they are a very real part of the Democratic process, and their support for Clinton — and lack of interest in Sanders — counts. The Sanders campaign has talked about attempting to recruit the supers, who are free to flip their loyalties, especially in states that have supported him.

However, most supers correctly appear to have concluded that Clinton is a much stronger general-election candidate. That's true even though Sanders tends to run a bit better than the former secretary of state in current ballot tests. But political professionals apparently believe that those results would not hold up if Republicans were to begin attacking Sanders. Like Ted Cruz on the Republican side, Sanders would find it impossible to escape a reputation for ideological extremism that he has bragged about, and that would hurt him in the general election.

Sanders may win Wisconsin on April 5, and if he does, expect a full-scale freak-out by some sections of the press. Many reporters don't like Clinton much, but what really would matter is that the media has an interest in keeping the illusion of a competitive primary in place. Unless the polls are wrong and Sanders wins three-quarters of Wisconsin's delegates, don't believe it. There's only one competitive nomination battle in 2016, and it's not on the Democratic side.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 11:12 am
ehBeth wrote:

You're thinking of Foreign Policy, which is a different publication.



0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 11:46 am
This from Revelette's Bloomberg article:

Many reporters don't like Clinton much, but what really would matter is that the media has an interest in keeping the illusion of a competitive primary in place. Unless the polls are wrong and Sanders wins three-quarters of Wisconsin's delegates, don't believe it. There's only one competitive nomination battle in 2016, and it's not on the Democratic side .

Just thought it deserved repeating.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 12:49 pm
No. I was thinking of the online mag where I read the story.


Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 12:52 pm
foreignpolicy is the one respected for its research

that other one, not so much
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2016 12:59 pm
I guess your comment was a matter of opinion. I respect both Foreign Policy and Foreign Policy Journal, their writers/reporters.

Watching the Bernie Blackout and the extreme bias over the past three months of most American news outlets, I've lost all respect for American news sources and magazines. Foreign Policy Journal has a diverse staff, and they seem reasonable to me.

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