Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 04:00 pm
I don't think that's remotely true. The same people who voted for Clinton and Gore voted for Obama: unions, minorities, young environmentalists and those with high education. The only issue is whether the Sanders supporters, whose base is a good piece of the academic world and the environmentalists, will refuse to vote for Hillary if she gets the nod. Hillary's supporters definitely will support Sanders if he gets the nomination.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 04:42 pm
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Look again.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 07:32 pm
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 07:34 pm
Of course. Why look when you're petrified to see? Keep your head firmly planted in the sand.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 07:42 pm

You don't understand current American politics. Read up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 08:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

When any politician promises its citizens gold, turn and run as fast as you can. And, don't look back.

Here here
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 08:36 pm
There is a such thing as promising too much. Free stuff like a college education is a pipe dream! Not even a democratic controlled senate would approve that when we are in such deep debt. And besides, most of those people looking for free college couldnt pass a test in a good public high school! Geezus! Our educational system is so abysmal, giving college educations is a waste of money. Fix our public schools first! How does closing 200 inner city schools in Chicago improve our poverty rates? Cummon guys! Just cuz you "graduated" from some POS highschool in BFEgypt America does not qualify you for a free, govt funded education. It requires an entire revamping of our public school system. Good luck passing that by the GOP!
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 08:47 pm
A reformed republican sometimes has relapses.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 09:37 pm
"Free college education" isn't even a pipe dream. It's a BIG LIE. However, I have a bridge to sell, cheap. Any buyers?

So what would happen to college spending if college were “free,” as some on the left now advocate? More money would equal more spending but not necessarily more value to students. And as my colleague Andrew Kelly notes, strained public budgets could lead to shortages rather than increased access. Of course, just increase funding further, right? But how much more? The Bernie Sanders “free college” plan would already cost some $70 billion a year as a starting point. Kelly:
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 10:26 pm
Quote Lash:
Of course. Why look when you're petrified to see? Keep your head firmly planted in the sand.

Hardly petrified. I don't follow orders unless you ask nicely, and you didn't. So there.

As for your link about the groups voting for Sanders, the entire article was about New Hampshire. Which was
a) A long time ago
b) A neighboring state to Bernie's Vermont, meaning the results there are not going to be indicative of his support in other states.
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 11:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yes, and I was on the first about sanders vs Clinton until he had that interview with Chris Matthews who didnt just hold his feet to the fire, but singed him a bit and he went off the rails about young person revolution and so on and I was stricken by the absurdity of it. Unlike Trump supporters, I see idealististic bullshit when its in front of me, and Bernie lost me that day. Clinton may not be perfect, maybe even corrupt, but hey! That woman knows how to play the system and be a politician. As much as we hate the idea, their decrepit, underhanded, slimy career is what works.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 11:52 pm
You're spot on! Hillary is the devil we like, because the alternative is the devil we don't know.
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 12:18 am
@cicerone imposter,
Umm...yaaa? Lol!
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 05:09 am
Just dropped by to leave a turd on the head of turncoat Elizabeth Warren.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 08:01 am
I admit your post made me wonder. All I could find at why you may think Warren a turncoat is because she has failed to endorse Bernie?

Elizabeth Warren fails to endorse Bernie and his fans freak the hell out on her Facebook page
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 08:41 am
Hello? The UC system used to have no tuition; I know, because I went there, the only way I could have possibly gone to university. As it was, I still worked 32 hrs a week to help my financially and otherwise troubled family and pay for books.

There is a giant class system breach going on in the US. Not every poor person is stupid, as you seem to imply. Our low level of education availability will come back to haunt us.

Some schools could and should be tuition free. Sadly, right now, Gov. Cuomo is cutting out funding the CUNY system in New York. This is going to wreck a lot of students at those colleges. The largest portion of those students are "minorities".

To the extent we are in debt, a lot of that has gone into poorly chosen military actions and accompanying expenses. Up to this point, I think it has always been states that fund no-tuition schools, but I'm not opposed to back up from the Federal government.
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 08:53 am
revelette2 wrote:

I admit your post made me wonder. All I could find at why you may think Warren a turncoat is because she has failed to endorse Bernie?

Elizabeth Warren fails to endorse Bernie and his fans freak the hell out on her Facebook page

Yup, that's it.It's some simplistic, magical militant insanity that can't even give a progressive lioness like Warren the benefit of a doubt that she has good reasons for withholding an endorsement.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 08:57 am
I think the people who conflate Warren with Sanders don't look at the entire picture. Warren and Sanders have similar views on Wall Street corruption, but I'm not sure they agree about much else. I think on non-Wall Street issues Warren is more in line with Clinton. Sanders is making a lot of promises he can't keep without a supportive Congress which he doesn't have. Of course, he would be a step to getting there but the road is long and his supporters are going to have a lot of disappointment before they see any movement. The Republicans are seeing this now. They made lots of promises about abortion, taxes, spending, etc but can't even get Planned Parenthood banned and their voters are pissed. Warren is much more a pragmatist. Her focus on Wall Street does not automatically make her a Sanders backer.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 09:17 am
I think the other part of this is that Warren actually knows both of the candidates. Unlike all of us who get our information through the screen of the media and the shrill voices of the Internet, Warren has sat down and spoken with both candidates at length. My guess is that she sees strengths in both candidates and would be comfortable going either way.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 10:01 am
OMG... Someone cherry picked facts and then made the assumption that correlation proves causation. Frankly, Lash, your source is suspect. It claims the drop in wages for people rehired in 2012 after the recession are the result of NAFTA.
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