Sat 26 Jun, 2004 01:57 pm
can anyone translate this phrase from english to latin?
"live bravely love fiercely"
thank you.
I consulted my trusty Latin-scholar friend, and he writes:
"Fortiter vive; ferociter ama."
If you want it as a general maxim, it might be better in the subjunctive:
"Fortiter vivas; ferociter ames." And it was a tough call for me between
the adverbs "fortiter" and "ferociter" and the adjectives "fortis" and
"ferox"; "Fortis vive; ferox ama" would be more like 'Live as a brave
person; love as a fierce person."
Hope that helps!
that helps a otn! thank you so much!
My pleasure
(and my friend who actually did the translation's pleasure, too!)