Yes in the South China Seas and the boat almost sank in a storm .
Do you enjoy sailing?
I've only been once. I enjoyed it.
Are you a good swimmer?
No, quite crappy, actually.
Have you ever scuba dived?
Yes a great deal, I am a class three British Sub Aqua qualified diver.
Do you enjoy the thoughts of floating below the waves in good visibility in a tropical colourful ocean?
Yes, very peaceful, but I am but a novice diver.
Have you been diving lately?
I did a little whilst I was away, will be doing a fair bit in January next year though off the Similian Islands in the Andaman Sea, a lot of sharks there too I have been advised, but not absolutely certain about that.
Have you dived at all in the tropics?
No. I thought I would answer that to save us all the trouble of Mathos asking whether you meant diving in his submarine, diving off the top board with back somersault and twist with the sun reflecting off his powerful torso and his baldy-head, diving in the Pacific Islands looking for dubloons in wrecks whilst fighting off killer sharks or diving in even more exotic locations which time and space limitations prevents one elaborating upon.
Isn't that the best thing for me to have done?
It didn't really throw any truth on the subject, did it!
You have this irksome habit of opening your gob and spewing twaddle by the bucket load on subjects you know little or nothing about.
Did you get thumped a lot at school?
No, but I have dived in Belize and Cozumel... we're thinking of going to Honduras in January and another place we want to go is Fiji.
Can you fly a plane?
I had lessons in the 1970's in a Piper Cherokee, however I am not qualified.
Do you enjoy flying?
I didn't. I tried it once out of an upstairs window at a party and had it not been for landing on Fattie Susie I'm sure I might have broken a bone or two.
You're not thinking of trying to fly are you?
There is little or no point in attempting such a silly action, besides, my arms would get tired.
What on earth possess's you to ask such ridiculous questions?
I don't know, sometimes I'm a bit fey.
Did I tell you my daughter's expecting?
(Of course I didn't but I had to make that into a question)
Congratulations, you are very lucky. Nature works in mysterious ways at times.
Which sex would she prefer?
What's mysterious about it? lol
She doesn't care, at this point.
How many grandchildren have you?
Five grandsons.
What about yourself Mame?
None at the moment.
Given all this hoopla with the 24 Muslims, I wish a had a private jet... the queues at the airport are ridiculous.
Are you going anywhere anytime soon?
No, not until January.
Yes the airport situation is total mayhem, people are becoming extremely irate and luggage is missing by the truckload!
Makes you think doesn't it?
Yeah! It makes me think what a load of barmpots the travelling public actually are. Just the thought of them going through all that to relieve their boredom makes you realise how bad boredom must be.
Is boredom as bad as that?
If everyone took your calibre of views we would never have found America.
Can you explain exactly what you mean by 'boredom' Spendi with regards to the context of your statement?