Oh well then change away Mathos. We all need a shaking up now and then do we not?
Perhaps your right Little Imp
How have you been?
Very busy this week. It's nice to see you as well.
Oh sorry It is nice to see you....
Have you been annoying that oink Spendi?
I hope you have. :wink:
Well I haven't seen him on as yet...such a shame isn't it?
Yes, he is no doubt slumped over a low life ale house bar in Bradford!
Not that far, I don't know him but Yorkshire is about 30 mile from me and Bradford about- 45-50
He will be there, it's full of misfits and idiots, did you not know that?
PS He's a blithering idiotic oink!

I was wondering ...that way you could have told him .....but I dare say that he knows that ...he's just trying to hid it from the world
Yes, he has various psychotic problems he attempts to keep under-wraps.
Do you think he writes graffiti on public property?
I would not be surprised if he did. He seems the type does he not?
I think he is probably wanted and hiding out in his low life ale house of ill repute with others of such notoriety, would you not agree?
Is somebody on the run Mr Mathos?
Lyn dear,
it is very poor form, not to say distasteful,to address a fellow threader directly on this game. Well brought up ladies like Clary consider such things to be quite "common" and I incline to her view.
Questions should be couched is such a way that any A2K member may easily reply.Answers may be anything one wishes.
Is that difficult to grasp?
A bunch of fives won't be the least difficult for you to grasp you bullying, self opinionated, bellicose, bombastic oink!
Do you get some kind of sexual thrill from brow-beating and humiliating newcomers of untouched beauty to the threads?
Not at all Mathos. All Im interested in is The Game. It's a great game and I enjoy it.
Under the rules of the game had you had something happen to you, which caused you to not come back, the famous Question's Game drops dead.
Any of us answering would seem like we were interrupting and as we are all well brought up we try to avoid such common behaviour. It was a silly question as well.
What Lyn actually did was allow herself to get carried away in the heat of your budding friendship, which you have lardy-dardied into being, was forget discipline in the urge to blurt.
A man like you should know that a proper English education for girls is specifically designed to forge that discipline into a resistance to blurting with bands of steel.
Not only had Lyn broken Rule No1 but she was setting a poor example to younger threaders who possibly see her as a role model. Blurting being the archetypal signature of "common".
So I was protecting the game and giving Lyn a quick shot of a posh girl's education at the same time.
Don't you think I should be commended instead of having to suffer these vituperations from the stalls?
I am very sorry for whatever it is I have meant to do wrong Mr Spendius, I am new here and sometimes I make mistakes.
Why do you shout at everyone?
I was only shouting at Mathos. He doesn't hear too well. He's getting on you know.
What has been the highlight of your day so far?