you're too funny...
do you like soup?
vegi soup is best
how many times a week do you work
well, i work 4 days a week
do you exercise?
yes i do get out of bed each day
(seriously i do acasionally do some archery)
are you a person who fights for the disadvantaged side
No, I don't fight for anything... I'm a lazy sod.
Would you pick up a male hitchhiker?
unless he was bleeding from 20 bullett holes(no less) it depends on how far he is from civalisation and if ive got enough female hitch-hikers to share
do you enjoy your freinds company
of course I do... I love my friends dearly (if that's what you meant by 'company')....however, I don't always like the OTHER people they invite over (if that's what you mean by 'company')....
do you like cheese?
(what were you thinking when you answered the last question)
are you scared of the darkm (even just a little bit)
Not at all and I cannot understand why anybody should be, would you expect a ghost or a vampire to turn up on your doorstep just because it is dark?
Is that what you think I think?
No. I don't think you think anything so daft.
What evidence could I possibly have to do so?
I'd like to think that you only thought of excitingly stimulating times, would I be right?
Trust that Oink to pip me, it wouldn't be so bad if he had anything worth while to say.
I doubt you would know evidence if it fell on your head Spendius! Do you spend every day trying to annoy people, or do you sometimes take a day off?
Do you know anyone else who spends the entire day trying to annoy you? Quite a compliment, I'd say.
Thankfully no, do I come across as the type of person one might be tempted to annoy?
Not to me you don't, but then, perhaps I'm unusual?
Personally, I would have classed you as unique, has any other man made that reference to you?
Not that I can recall, but then, my memory's not as good as it was... are you still flirting with GW?
Who on earth is GW?
Actually, all my time is being taken up at present with marriage arrangement in The Original Writing.
It looks like Spendius and Aidan are going for it. :wink:
What kind of original writing do you do?