Its for PMS. Ironic how when you are in your worst mood the thing that can make it all better is stuffed into a hard to open, frustrating little package.
Do you think you need it?
If it's for Plump Matron Seductions I probably do.
Is it for that?
No it stands for PLEASE MAKE it STOP!!
Do you find that wisdom comes with age?
Questions Game
I tell you in wisdom and truth: If you truly want me, contact me; this is all I have to say.
(Ask yourself): Am I finally ready for my body, heart, and mind to be healed?
Do you find that wisdom comes with age?
I did once but now I'm older I have realised what a nonsensical idea it is.
Do you have nail varnish on your toes?
Questions Game
I have my nails done periodically.
Have you ever heard of the American and French manicures?
No.I thought manicures were international.There doesn't seem a great deal of scope for variation.
But I've never had a manicure so I'll bite.
What's the difference between a French and an American manicure?(Joke-30seconds!)
I've never had manicure either but a French manicure (pale pink nails, white tip) looks very attractive.
What is your favourite painting?
That's a loaded question, for me! I've been thinking on that one, and if I had to pick JUST one, it would be "Sunday in the Park" by Seurat. I saw it at the art museum in Chicago. It's HUGE, and it fascinates me how the impressionists did a whole painting in dots of color. He painted several great borders around it that you don't see in reproductions of it. I couldn't tell you how long I stood looking at it!
Do you have a favorite book or author?
I do actually despite it being somewhat silly in view of all the great books I have read.
But Thorstein Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class has saved me so much money and so much time and effort that I feel it might well have saved my life.
Not only that-I also found a new attitude and just loved the style.
I don't recommend it though unless you are ready to have your head turned inside out.The wife of a friend of mine to whom I loaned my paperback copy ripped it to shreds and threw it at me.And Barry said that she had only read 20 pages and normally had great respect for other people's property.
Do you have a favourite book or author?
Hello, friend Spendi-. It's just me. I think you know my favorite author is C.S. Lewis. Not sure exactly which book of his, but my favorite book by any other author just so happens to be a friend of Lewis'; Sheldon VanAuken's "A Severe Mercy."
Do you have a favorite movie of all time? and why, what about it or how so?
Hi Dev-
I've not much time but I'll answer the question when I get back from the pub.-I hope.
You don't mind if I go to the pub now do you?
Not in the least.
What is your tipple of choice?
John Smith's Extra Smooth @ £1.70 a pint.
How much is that in dollars?
1 U.S. dollar = 0.577233895 British pounds (sorry I could not be more exact)
Is it snowing where you are / does your pub have an open log fire?
I think he's gone, T-a. It's not snowing here. In fact it's really windy! And we're looking at a possible thunder storm?
Where are you & how's the weather?
Washington and its still cold and wet here.
How are things with you today?
Or, you're still there, Shari - do I have your moving date wrong?
You must have because I'm not moving.
I thought I'd better answer in case Shari has been abducted by an Arab sheik and whisked off to a harem beside an oasis thus bringing the game to an end.
Am I being ridiculous?
Not at all... stranger things have happened, I'm sure.
Do you like being ridiculous?