Mom's family is British and Scottish; Dad's family is British only.
I can count to ten in Dutch (learned in grade 5) - lol. Also in Irish Gaelic... they're actually kinda similar.
What weird bits of trivia do you have?
I have some Wembley Stadium grass in an old Vitamin Pill bottle my Mum had finished with.It's gone all yellow now of course.
Where do you place yourself on a daftness scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being sane and well balanced?
Are you being fascetious, Spendi- dear? And do you think oneself is the best judge of the level of one's sanity? I'd say I have a good healthy balance of craziness and sanity. What number would you assign?!
+ 2 billion and rising...
If you happened to meet a magic sage who could answer any question, imaginable, what would you ask?
Why are we here?
Do you like legends (stories)?
Yes, because they deal with fundamentals and timelessness
Which famous character in history would you like to have been?
Barbara Cartland I think.
Do you think she was kidding?
I have no idea. I don't know much about her - didn't she write romances and is the grandmother of someone famous?
Have you read any of them?
I once wasted ten precious minutes of my life reading part of a Barbara Cartland novel. Drivel.
What are you reading now?
I actually liked Barbara - as a person! I wrote to her about my collection of fashion and jewellery items from the 1920s and she sent me a charming letter back, signed in pink ink! She also did wonderful work in the war because she was so energetic and focussed on achieving improvements for children. So, like all of us, she was not all bad. I suppose it's very apposite in her case to say "Don't judge a book by its cover".
I never read a word of her writing.She wrote for ladies.But I saw a couple of interviews with her and she seems to have had a long and happy life.And she said a couple of things which hinted she knew what was what.
She was rich,good looking,well connected and surrounded by adoring men and she made it last.That's why she was my choice of somebody I wouldn't have minded having a go at being if I wasn't me.I couldn't think of anybody else.
Who else might you fancy having been?
Nobody else but me, me, me..
Do people have to be miserable with their own lifes to chose to be someone else?
Not necessarily but being Barbara Cartland at 15 might constitute real international travel plans.
It is only a word game fantasy isn't it?
Yes it is, Francis...
What do you fantasize about?
It depends on the circumstances.If I'm not in a king-sized bed with curtains round with a hot lass with big red lips I fantasise about being there.When I get there I don't fantasise at all.
Do you like steam trains?
Questions Game
I've ridden a train, but not one run by steam. I suppose it would be a nice experience.
Why is it that some people are so easily swayed into settling for knowing only one, very limited side of a story, which results in an unfairly, somewhat false assumption, when all they had to do was ask, and they would have been told the rest, in an accurate, fair, and complete way?
Perhaps they're not interested at all. That's what I would
assume, if ever presented with such a question.
What's the favorite place in your house?
Bed.Particularly last thing at morning.
Did you not think PS's question interesting?
You do have a sincere, natural curiosity about you, which is endearing.
How do you feel about trees?
Yes, I did, spendius. However, if one is not interested in asking
to hear the story, whatever that might be, why would one assume they're interested at all.
Just yesterday, I politely declined an invitation, and the person didn't understand that I am not interested. To me this is not only a deterrent but also makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Is pride something that's absent nowadays?