maybe not
many turn up for your dinner parties?
No one's ever been known to turn down an invitation.
Do you ever actually read the previous post?
Not only the previous one.I read back to where I left off as well.
Oughtn't I to do?
I thought it made sense to do so, but I have been thinking I was in the minority.
Don't you ever get confused by some posts?
It does happen occasionally but never with ladies.
Would you like a ladies only thread?
Not particularly.
Do you generally wear socks?
Except in bed or in the bath or occasionally in other circumstances.
Do you wear tights or proper stockings held up by suspenders with frilly straps?
Only when asked by naughty ladies
Do you?
As a matter of fact, I do, when I wear a dress.
How do you feel about the connection which ties together one's work ethic, intelligence, and virility?
I feel pretty good about that.It sounds ace.
Can you supply more details?
No but I can touch my tongue to my nose.
Can you do that?
No, but then I'm not a lunatic.
Are you also double-jointed?
Unfortunately no.
Are you?
no... I can't even whistle or crack my knuckles... my body, alas, is very boring.
A long tongue could be considered an asset, don't you think? Or is it a long nose that you have?
No its a long tongue...and yes it may be concidered an asset.
More so from women?
Well, yes, but it's not just the size, is it, in that case?
if you have to lick envelopes at work, I could see that it could come in handy... but you don't do that in your job, do you? Maybe your tongue is kinda wasted?
It doesn't sound like it to me.
Do you mind my interrupting to say that?
What other assets do you have?
Well, I can write backwards, not that it comes in very handy, either...
And what might yours be?
I can wiggle my ears and make my eyebrows go up and in turn and blink fast.
Is that any good?