What did you do today?
Same as usual.Got up at half past ten,buggered about a bit,got bathed,went to pub,came home to see what you lot were doing,am now eating beans on toast and I'm shortly back off to where I began where my over and under electric blankets are in full swing and personal improvement programmes are on the bedside telly.
Am I wasting my life?
I'd say so! Sounds a bit depressing to me, spendius.
Of course, when eating beans, one should shun the public
for a while. Let's hope your electric blanket is holding up.
I'd rather be cold then use an electric blanket. Aren't you
afraid that it could malfunction?
I'm not afraid of anything Cal.
Don't you trust modern technology?
Only to a certain extend. I've never needed an electric blanket,
but something that has heating coils and is plugged in, sounds
like a bad idea to sleep in.
Don't you have a heater?
My furnace went out in the house. It has been cold lately.
How is work going?
No.I have all the windows wide open and the bedroom freezing and I do a few exercises naked just to get me ready to jump into the hot pit.In summer I have to use air conditioning otherwise I'm too hot to enjoy it.
Don't you like contrasts?
No problems <knock on wood>
How do you keep warm then?
What's that?Isn't it all a game?
No, I don't like contrasts too much.
What kind of exercise do you do naked?
Oh-nothing too strenuous.A bit of deep breathing and touching my knees a few times.Just enough to get my goose pimples ready.
Do you exercise more energetically?
Night night.
No exercise ...naked or clothed for that matter.
Do you have a gym membership?
Not keen on the Macca's variety.
Are you a night owl?
No but I can hoot if I've a mind to.
Why did the Acronym game get demoted and replaced by the no-hope Sunken Ship nonsense?
I wondered exactly the same thing!
Can you make any sense out of it?
I dont even go in there anymore.
Should we band together and take over?
No-I don't fancy that.
It must be a mistake.Acronym has over 15,000 entries and 150,000 plus views.That Sunken Ship stuff has no response yet and a paltry 38 views.
Don't you think it's just a slip up?
Hopefully it will fade away soon.
Some of those puzzles are designed for a very narrow bandwidth interest group, don't you think?
(Dreadful grammar there, I'm afraid.)
I have no clue what you guys are talking about.
What is The Sunken Ship?