Yes, drastic things do have to be drastic. It's all in the definition. They may be spontaneous or not, responsible or not, sensible or not.
Is it not sensible to shear off your hair when it is annoying?
It may be drastic and sensible, might it not?
It might. And it might not.
Are you interested in starting a more engrossing topic?
That isn't too difficult is it?
What have you in mind?
I'm in, too! ha ha
Has anyone here been involved in a meet-up with other board members?
No.I haven't.
Would you like to meet other members?
I think it would be fun to meet some of them, don't you?
I think it might be fun to meet you but some of the others I really don't think are my strawberry jam butty.
Do you like strawberry jam on hot buttered toast whilst driving rapidly to work on account of oversleeping a tad?
Why yes, I do... however did you know? Do you like wandering around Edinburgh while sipping a chilled Chablis?
No.I wouldn't fancy that.Sounds a bit pretentious to me.Junior Arts Correspondent of The Ladies Journal type of thing.They have been known to loosen up after 4 pints of lager (4.4%) though.But I have been to the "Thethtival".Bored stiff.Checked out quick.
Actually I know someone in Vancouver.
How many people live there?
In Vancouver proper, about 1.5 million.
How do you know this person?
Oh-that's a long story.I could write a book answering a question like that.Easy.And it wouldn't be all there at that.
1.5 million eh?In such a seething mass of humanity it's statistically improbable that you ever met her.
She never paid her dues.
Do you work in the records office by any chance?
What is a records office?
It is where they store all the files on the citizens.Where if you know somebody's name you can look up where she lives and send her a Valentine Card and a bunch of red roses via Interflora.
Don't you have one of those where you are?
Hmmm... we have a phone book which basically does the same thing

I think a records office here goes by the addresses, not the names... so you can find out who is living in such-a-such house....would you like me to find her for you?
I'm not absolutely sure.I was just exploring the possibilities in case anything happens here.Every rat has a bolthole.
If you don't create choices you can't make any.
Is it a nice place to live.I think I have had it's charms exaggerated.
What's it really like with the rose-tints off?
Truthfully, it is a beautiful city to look at - mountains, ocean, trees, green spaces all over the city... it has a small town mentality, too, which can be nice. People are polite, and the weather is decent. Attitude-wise, we're laid back and have many restaurants/cafes etc where you eat outdoors.
However, lots of immigrants (not necessarily a bad thing, but so many at one time do stress the resources), mega-tourists (again, stress), the small-town mentality (can also be a negative), lots of rain, bad drivers... and the transportation system leaves a lot to be desired.
How's that for objective? (If you do decide you want me to find her, pm me and I'll email you back.)
Hey Mame.It's Questions Game.Don't get too serious.How much is a pint of beer and fags and fish and chips takeaway.I can get a good pitch on a place if I know that.
But it was a pretty good description.
Do you think I'd like it?
No, you wouldn't like it!
Haven't I already told you there are too many tourists???
I know but there's tourists and there are tourists.Not all tourists are interested in the architecture.
Are there any sights in Vancouver that they keep quiet about?