It would appear that they are, I rather suspect the earth enters various stages of variation in its existence. I don't necessarily consider global warming to be the reason. Although I do think we spew out far too much in the way of waste and toxics. We are going to see a great deal of rising water levels though and that could prove both expensive and dangerous, we will have to watch ourselves.
Do you think we could live under a planet covered in water?
I don't think it'll come to that in our lifetime. Apparently I will own waterfront, though, by the end of this century. Or my kids will.
Do you swim or scuba dive?
Both, I was a class 3 BSAC diver some years back, now I enjoy the warm waters for pleasure only.
Do you scuba dive?
Yes, but minimally. I haven't been for several years. Now you have to re-certify if you've not dived in 6 months. Well, it's only a refresher, not the whole course.
Where was the last place you dived? Or do you say dove?
Either, I dived in the Gulf of Siam last year, just off the coast of a small beautiful Island called Ko Samui, {it has been in our headlines lately} following a sexual attack and murder of a young British backpacker on New Years Day, that was so sad.
However, the diving is wonderful and the water superb. Almost got bitten by a sea snake though.
Have you ever tried caves?
No... well, once but nowhere exotic. I'm claustrophobic, so it's enough to dive...
Have you visited Canada?
No, I have been patiently awaiting you asking me to visit.
How long did you spend in Hong Kong?
10 days... 10 long, sweaty, smelly, crowded, noisy days....
Does that mean you've yet to visit here?
That's correct, I have never visited Canada.
One day maybe.
Have you been to Alaska?
No, but I have been to the Yukon, the NWT, and Nunavut. I cooked for several geological camps... that was fun. Except for the mosquitoes

Do you mainly get around by tube, DLR, or bus?
Depends were I am, London = Taxis & tube
Bangkok Sky train and tuk tuk
Hawaii Limousine
Do you enjoy foreign travel?
Yes, I do, for the most part. I don't care so much for the travelling part, but I like experiencing new things and being away from home.
Are you claustrophic?
No not at all, I never have syndromes.
I think most fears are simply in the mind.
Do you enjoy an adrenalin rush?
It depends on what causes it... if it's from parachuting, NO! If it's from being chased by a shark - NO!
I think you must be a bit of a daredevil - would you agree with that?
I have been accused of that and also having a death wish.
Nothing could be further from the truth, I see the risk calculate it and if I feel good about it, I go for it.
Have you ever been a motorcycle pillion passenger?
Oh yes... with the wind blowing through my hair and vaious bugs lodging in my teeth ... Not since I was 17, however.
We don't use the word 'pillion' here - I wonder why we use some British expressions and soundly reject others...thoughts?
There must be a large French influence on Canadian English so to speak.
Do you speak fluent French
No, I but I can get by in FRANCE if I have to... the
French spoken in Canada is like Shakespearean French.
Contrary to what the Quebecois and the Federal government say, this is really NOT a true bi-lingual country. Many Quebecois cannot speak English, and most English do not speak French... nor are they interested. Now schools offer a variety of second languages in their curricula. My daughter, however, attended a French Immersion school so she is fluent.
Do you speak another language, other than the obvious language of love?
Not with any conviction, I studied French at school, but never having used it to any significant extent, it has dissapeared into the canyons of forgotten matter.
Mind you, I enjoy French kissing :wink:
Do you?
Mais certainment! But only with the right person!
Does all your family live in the UK?