You have to consider the reasons as to why the prostitute has chosen to adopt this as a career. I pesonally know high class prostitues that rake at a minimum, $900 AUS dollars per day. I also know prostitutes who live in homeless accomidation. They all do it for the same reason. They don't believe in themselves enough to accuire a normal, well paid career.
When you hire a prostitute from a brothal, they don't pick you, you pick them. A prostitute isn't going to WANT to have sex with every customer she has to deal with and with that a lot of the time comes drug and alcohol issues. Even if the woman is disgusted by the person she's about to have sex with she would be thinking "Well, this is just a part of my job and it would be rude to turn this paying customer down."
Or, in some cases "This money could really help pay for my children's education." Or there own.
This is why prostitution can be mentally damaging. I can put money on the fact that if one of your good friends was a prostitute, you would know them well enough to realize that they have some serious issues.
Of course a prostitute that you hire, regularly or not, will not be showing any signs of this simply because they learn to act because they want your money.
Not to mention that this is a bikie owned trade. Legal or not, it always will be.
Also, just for your own safety. HIV can go undetected in someone's blood for a long time. It is also HIGHLY contagious and wearing a condom does not always stop a transference.