
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 05:07 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 08:42 am
argome321 wrote:

So I ask why are there laws against prostitution?

depends on the jurisdiction whether there are laws against prostitution or if the laws are against soliciting or if (as in the jurisdicition I'm in) the laws target the johns, not the prostitutes.

so the ''why'' varies

I mean why have them at all? They seem as pointless as the Blue laws.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 12:04 am
Also if prostitution becomes a legalised business, the income from it should be subject to taxation, and any premises used might be liable to taxation as business premises.

Without addressing the penal code, and putting it to one side as it were, I think you'll find that taxation law already requires the income to be declared irrespective of the legality of the source.
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Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 12:21 am
The main reason or the excuse the law makers use to deter legal prostitution is that they say the brothels are a Public Nuance.
Seems quite a bogus argument to me.

Yes totally bogus dude.

They are more your private nuance, wouldn't you say?

Do you find it a nuance not knowing the meaning of nuisance?
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 12:59 am
I see prostitution as a valuable community service. It should be encouraged, regulated, and taxed.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:02 am
knaivete wrote:

The main reason or the excuse the law makers use to deter legal prostitution is that they say the brothels are a Public Nuance.
Seems quite a bogus argument to me.

Yes totally bogus dude.

They are more your private nuance, wouldn't you say?

Do you find it a nuance not knowing the meaning of nuisance?
Brothels are unneeded, and as such dont need to exist. Prostitution can be robust even if brothels are illegal, all that is needed is Craigslist and the like,
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:15 am
South Korean Prostitutes, Pimps Rally Against Police Crackdown
AP/The Huffington Post

Posted: 05/17/2011 2:08 pm EDT Updated: 07/17/2011 5:12 am EDT

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – Hundreds of prostitutes and pimps rallied Tuesday near a red-light district in Seoul to protest a police crackdown on brothels, with some unsuccessfully attempting to set themselves on fire. (Scroll down for photos)

A crowd of about 400 people, mostly women wearing baseball caps, masks and sunglasses, chanted slogans like, "Guarantee the right to live!" during the four-hour rally.

At one point, about 20 protesters in their underwear and covered in body and face paint doused themselves in flammable liquid in an apparent attempt to burn themselves, but others stopped them from lighting any flames. Some of the women then sat in the street and wept and screamed, while other protesters consoled them.

Minor scuffles between protesters and police officers erupted after the rally, but there were no reports of major injuries.

Prostitution is illegal in South Korea but is widespread despite repeated government crackdowns.

Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:29 am
There is currently a long running crack down in Amsterdam, on the claim that most of the women are imported, and since trafficking of women is a hot issue around the world they are leery of letting the business thrive. Interestingly to me in America the Right is even more crusading against sex trafficking than the feminists are. How much of a problem this is no one knows, because most of the numbers come from crusaders who cant be trusted. Until I hear proof otherwise I am going to assume that almost all of these women are poor women from poor places looking for an opportunity to better their lives.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:38 am
It seems that the overwhelming majority of domestic prostitutes here are in the business voluntarily, even if for many it is a last resort. There are stories of Filipinas who get tricked into coming over here under false pretences, then having their passports taken away by club owners and forced into taking johns. But the gummit did a pretty thorough crackdown on them a year or two ago, so I think that's mostly died out now.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:44 am
FBM wrote:

It seems that the overwhelming majority of domestic prostitutes here are in the business voluntarily, even if for many it is a last resort. There are stories of Filipinas who get tricked into coming over here under false pretences, then having their passports taken away by club owners and forced into taking johns. But the gummit did a pretty thorough crackdown on them a year or two ago, so I think that's mostly died out now.

I keep seeing lots of stories on the evils of sex trafficking, and high estimations of the numbers, but very few specific cases. I have also been noticing for 20 years how the minders say one thing about the business but that generally speaking when ever any journalist goes out to talk to actual prostitutes they file stories about how the workers chose to do the job, and how a fair number of them like the work. You see the same thing with exotic dancers, most of those girls dread the day that their looks go and they need to get a boring low paying job like the rest of us.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:50 am
I can understand the concern about genuine trafficking, but not the scare tactics they use to make it sound more widespread than it is. If it were legalized, regulated and taxed, like in Nevada, I think it would be win-win. Like the weed issue.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:53 am
FBM wrote:

I can understand the concern about genuine trafficking, but not the scare tactics they use to make it sound more widespread than it is. If it were legalized, regulated and taxed, like in Nevada, I think it would be win-win. Like the weed issue.

What happened to your promise to the mob to never talk to me again?


But **** em, they are mostly closed minded bullies.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 01:59 am
I have a short memory about **** like that. Wink Anyway, on those occasions when you're talking sense, I don't see any reason to ignore you.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 02:36 am
I see, so long as I agree with you I am fine.

How typically A2K.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 02:42 am
Not exactly. I'm fine with agreeing to disagree and carrying on a dialogue with mutual respect despite that disagreement. It's when you get nasty that I break off.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 04:28 am
Me nasty? No, my ideas are sometimes nasty as I follow truth where ever it goes and humans are not all sugar and spice and all things nice....and the rest of the universe is not either. And I will call an idiot an idiot and a liar a liar as I always try to talk truth. But I am not nasty hardly ever.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2015 05:41 am
Brothels are unneeded, and as such dont need to exist. Prostitution can be robust even if brothels are illegal, all that is needed is Craigslist and the like,

Thus was born the restaurateurbrothelier. The first true bed and breakfast, lunch and dinner. Catering to those with a taste for the xerotic and an eye for the erotic. Wiping crime off the streets with crisp linen napery.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2016 05:20 am
You have to consider the reasons as to why the prostitute has chosen to adopt this as a career. I pesonally know high class prostitues that rake at a minimum, $900 AUS dollars per day. I also know prostitutes who live in homeless accomidation. They all do it for the same reason. They don't believe in themselves enough to accuire a normal, well paid career.
When you hire a prostitute from a brothal, they don't pick you, you pick them. A prostitute isn't going to WANT to have sex with every customer she has to deal with and with that a lot of the time comes drug and alcohol issues. Even if the woman is disgusted by the person she's about to have sex with she would be thinking "Well, this is just a part of my job and it would be rude to turn this paying customer down."
Or, in some cases "This money could really help pay for my children's education." Or there own.
This is why prostitution can be mentally damaging. I can put money on the fact that if one of your good friends was a prostitute, you would know them well enough to realize that they have some serious issues.
Of course a prostitute that you hire, regularly or not, will not be showing any signs of this simply because they learn to act because they want your money.
Not to mention that this is a bikie owned trade. Legal or not, it always will be.

Also, just for your own safety. HIV can go undetected in someone's blood for a long time. It is also HIGHLY contagious and wearing a condom does not always stop a transference.
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2016 08:04 am
This story sounds awfully suspicious. How do you know so many prostitutes?

The actual prostitutes who are advocating for sex worker rights say that being able to reject clients who they feel are too dangerous or disgusting is an important right (and one of the reasons for decriminalizing prostitution).

By the way, you are also scientifically incorrect. HIV is not highly contagious. You can see this in any number of resources, let's start with this one. http://www.chathamcouncil.org/en/qaa.html

I think you are just making stuff up on a topic you don't know so much about. Please stop.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jun, 2019 04:39 pm
Well, I'm officially a working girl Smile I may not get paid daily, but damn it's nice when I do.
0 Replies

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