Sat 18 Apr, 2015 07:18 pm
What is the simple subject
which librarian places orders for new books?
[orders, librarian, which, books]
What kind of phrase in the parenthesis
The article (about Native american) folklore is fascinating.
[gerund, verb, adverb, adjective]
What kind of phrase within parenthesis
The innkeeper provided us with a place (to spend the night)
[infinitive, prepositional, gerund, appositve]
How is the word RED used
Alie looks good in his favorite color, red.
[verb, particible, appositive, gerund]
What kind of complement is EXCITED
Kenny bocome very excited at new findings.
[nominitive, adjective, direct object, object complement]
What type of complement is HIM
When will Lena tell him the truth
[direct object, indirect object, object complement, predicate nominative]
What is the simple subject
Eagerly awaited are the archaeologists new discoveries
[discoveries, Eagerly, archealogists, awaited]
How is the word CLARINET used
she played the wooding insturment the clarinet.
[gerund, infinitive, participle, appositive]
What kind of complement are the words TIRED and EXHILARATED
after the race, the runners felt tired and exhilarated
[predicate adjective, object complement, direct object, predicate nomnitive]
What kind of phrase is TO GIVE AL A CHANCE
[infinitive, verb, gerund, appositive]