Adrian wrote:CI, I'm confused. Are you and Craven talking about Jess' use of "Jap"?
Here it is not really considered to be a racist term. It is on a par with us calling the English "Pom's" or you guys "Yank's"
Aussies like to shorten things.
I would consider it a racial slur, Adrian - interesting that you do not.
And your answers are very funny!
Thanx Guys
Hey Guys,
Geez you guys really do have some strong opinions! I just am really sorry if what i said affected anybody! I really dont mean to be like that I just was summerising!
As Craven said Aussies are quite popular around the world and I dont want to ruin the appearance of Aussies! I hope everyone understands all I was trying to do was ask a few questions???
Thanx Anyway Jess xoxo
I dont know who said it first but someone said that i ws racial using the term Jap ummm I kinda understand but can you name me another origin that has a slang name that they consider offensive?????
How's about 'Monkey-Girl'?