One thing I want to make clear, I do not hate ALL Muslims, but I absolutely hate those committing barbaric acts against our civilization.
That being said, while I opose your opinion about me hating Muslims for being Muslims, I am admittedly lacking any respect for Islamic religion. Nevertheless I have some degree of compassion to rest of Muslims who are peaceful, and are being committed to those awful beliefs by birth.
As to your analysis of misery and death caused by Muslims versus Christians, -- lots of chaos and lack of relevance, would be the best way to describe it: when you use statistics as a reference point, than percentage of Muslims Vs Christians should be mentioned as well. Right now there is little over 23% Muslims versus population of other religion's. Christans are 33.6%
Next, you are bringing Hitler on the picture, claiming he was christian. That's where, for obvious reasons, you are confusing me. Are you suggesting he was on religious mission, so now you want to categorized all IIWW casualties as Christian caused?
Going back to the bottom line. If there is percentage all Muslims estimated between 15 to 25 % that are extremists, sworn to kill all of us (like they say: kill all jews and Americans, along with infidels), than you did not make me or anyone else feel safer, just by mentioning how many people were killed in Srebrenica or in IIWW.
I hope you did not expect enybody's reaction to be: "Oo, ok. Now I feel better. Yeah, let's not worry about Muslims anymore. We need to lookout for those christians... look how many people they killed... " I'm only debating your opinion.
Getting upset again would be counterproductive. Instead I'd like to see you bringing some valid arguments.