What if you lose both your arms? How can you tell if you're a leftie or a rightie?
Agreed Rick. Anyhow, how could I argue with a guy with puppies in his avatar?
It are Beagle puppies. I have a Beagle...though the avatar can also be useful to convince others, agreed.
Just look at their eyes. Touching.
Personally I would find it all to easy to argue with a guy with puppies in his avatar.
My house is over run with dogs and cats who have quite literally taken over both the inside and outside of my home, not mention the cost of buying dog and cat food. Also not to mention how picky they are in what they will and will not eat...just kidding. I probably wouldn't get rid of our animals even if my kids and grandbaby would let me. But I do wish I never allowed them in the house. We haven't got around to fixing one of our dogs and he is really disgusting humping everything in sight. My cat is about to go bannas in trying to get away from him.
To say the least I am not really an animal lover yet for some reason at night they end up on the bed with me until I get so aggrivated at them and throw them out of the house at 3 o'clock in the morning.
Maybe it's time to change my avatar, out of fear of possible doghaters-attacks
Keep the avatar Rick. I love it.
I think most civilized people love dogs.
The first I began to develop a deep hatred of the kinds of cruelty that are inherent in terroism was to read where the terrorists-in-training are forced to watch dogs and other animals slowly tortured to death to 'harden them' for what they are expected to do.
'Civilized people love dogs'. I like that
But do you think this new avatar is also acceptable...or should I change it back?
I much prefer the Beagles, but you are the only one who really has to like your avatar. I picked mine for its svelte, sophisticated image of course.
Ehh yes I see, very sophisticated.
Yes, we actually do know you are warm and fuzzy, Foxfyre, with the added glasses giving that intelligent appearance.
I hope you do not feel offended by my so how misplaced sarcasm, Foxfyre.
I am trying to figure out if I am being slyly likened to terrorist or if I am uncivilized.
Oh, well, I guess that is what I get for trying to get into the spirit of (I thought) was a general good mood.
In any case, Rick d'Israeli; my dogs have been running around in my house for years now without being tortured so maybe your avatar is safe from me too. But do you like kittens?
Kittens? Bloody liberal....Clinton had a cat. Well, he had a dog too, but most likely because he needed to get out of that house filled with, oh, never mind.
A wife may mistakingly send their spouse into the cathouse.
You weren't being sincere Rick? You were being sarcastic? I'm absolutely crushed!
And thanks LW. I always knew I was irrisistible.
cavfancier wrote:Kittens? Bloody liberal....Clinton had a cat. Well, he had a dog too, but most likely because he needed to get out of that house filled with, oh, never mind.

I only like kittens and cats slightly better than dogs because they are less destructive. I guess I am hopelessly uncivilized.
Maybe I am can teach my animals how to behave with sleep and food deprivation and scaring them to do death with bigger animals and I won't be such an uncivilized terrorist.