I always back up and then try again when I miss her.....
husker wrote:Sorry BpB
Thoughts and prayers yer direction
Appreciated, but please direct all thoughts and prayers to her father and his immediate family.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:..........Appreciated, but please direct all thoughts and prayers to her father and his immediate family.
I guess you're kindof 'later, when i get around to it' family! (as opposed to immediate

Dads are Special People
I would have given anything to spend more quality time with my father before he passed away. No matter how old we get, we are always daddy's little girl. She is where she needs to be....
BoGoWo wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:..........Appreciated, but please direct all thoughts and prayers to her father and his immediate family.
I guess you're kindof 'later, when i get around to it' family! (as opposed to immediate

well I meant his wife and children......the ones that are there with him and having to suffer the illness with him.....I shouldn't even be complaining about missing my wife....I'm healthy and have her return to look forward to.....that's what I meant.....
Understood, Bi; and my sympathies (just between you and i, missing someone, due only to distance, can be almost enjoyable, but stops at 'almost, eh!)