>jumping up and down <
I never lied! I never lied! .. well, never lied to MYSELF. hehehe
any way, silly joke aside, Why does anyone give a rats ass about what is going on UNDER the white house table and not what is going on over it?
So f'n what , a man gets a blow job while he is at work.. BIG WHOOP.
he still went to work, he still did his job.. and frankly, the only person he really f..ked was his wife. She is the one who has to deal with a huband who is cheating. SHE is the one who was betrayed. Not america. America isnt married to him, america doesnt sleep with him, america doesnt have his child. WHO CARES????????!!!!!!!
He is out of office, he has no more political pull then the rest of the former presidents so why does his sex life matter?
Yeah he lied at first... DUH who wouldnt? Espically if your wife/husband was a few feet away from you? Most people wouldnt tell anyone publicly before they told thier spouse... kinda what he did.
He is a human... he is a man.. and he was horny.
If he had her in his bed with hillary would THAT make a diffrence? Would everyone crawl up his butt then??? HHHMmmm.....
Who he has sex with is noones business. He didnt do any harm to the country or anyone else for that matter while she spent her internship on her knees.
> closing my big liberal mouth now <