He "almost cheated" at a place in our marriage when I suppose he starting to have real doubts about spending the rest of his life with me.
He did this by being a single man with two children on various dating sites, Having a secret email, and confessing to inviting a woman to his room when he was out of town on business. This of course was innocent as he said they were having a great conversation and he just wanted it to continue. At that point I said "oh well then I'm to assume when I'm out of town and a man invites me to his room for conversation it will be ok with you" and then proceeded with "what kind of f'ing food do you think I am". After promising that nothing happened and he realized his mistake when "she" tried to "kiss" him he asked her to leave. But she called his room, so he says a few times to try and change his mind. Then later when professing to me that he actually did not find her physically attractive (although he admits she had a pretty face) he
described her breast as floppy".
And as far as the dating sites...he never spoke with anyone, he was just looking.