Existence is the default status of things.

Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2015 12:39 pm
I like us all readers here and posters to concur that existence is the default status of things.

What do I mean by default status of things?

But first what is existence?

Allow me to ask everone whether he knows that he is existing, if he says that he does not know, then he does have the consciousness that he is existing otherwise how can he be at all talking to us?

We are an example of existence, and everything that we talk about is an example of existence, even the things we talk about are exclusively in our mind only, meaning we have no instance of it having a corresponding object outside our mind.

So, by existence I mean anything at all which we humans can at least talk about, even just that it is in our mind.

On that basis of things only in our mind, we have also the idea of things outside our mind which exist independent of our mind and even if there were no human mind at all existing to think about it with other humans.

Dear readers, do you get my message, namely, that existence is the default status of things?

I mean there is and will be and has always been something existing.

Even before the existence of the universe there has always been something.

And after it ever the existence of the universe ends if at all, there is still something and will always be something and has always been something.

Now, you will ask me, what am I driving at with my idea that existence is the default status of things?

At this point I will ask you dear readers and posters here to volunteer your suspicion on what I am driving at.

In this manner I and we all will get to know what is the drift of my thinking and writing here, is that all right with you all?

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Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2015 01:36 pm
Sounds like you could use one of these:

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Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2015 03:36 pm
We are an example of existence, and everything that we talk about is an example of existence

You won't get agreement on that !

Heidegger's influential view on "existence" is that it only applies to a contemplative state of human consciousness ( Dasein ) in which it evokes "things". No "thingers" no "things".

And in any case "default status" is meaningless because "status" is always relative to something else.

And after it ever the existence of the universe ends if at all, there is still something and will always be something and has always been something.

That "cessation of the universe" is perhaps only meaningful in the mind's eye of an extant human observer, employing the concept of "end".
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Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2015 04:12 pm
Well, if you do not concur with me that existence is the default status of things, then tell me what is your default status of things?
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2015 11:56 pm
"Things" are "thinged" by species specific observers (living systems) according to their needs. They have no "existence" in their own right unless you are a philosophical "naive realist". If you want to think of the universe(s) as dynamic undifferentiated "stuff" (i.e neither "matter" nor "energy" already thinged by humans) then that transcendent view is about as close as you will get to a concept of "default status". Note that the modern thinging of what we call "the universe" is by no means well established. All we have are shifting paradigms of functional agreement.(Kuhn). For example, concepts like "dark matter", "dark energy", and "non-locality" have only recently come to the fore, and quests for a ToE (theory of everything) remain in the realm of conjecture.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2015 01:34 pm
Do you notice, dear readers here, that no one poster has given me and you readers what is their default status of things.

Okay, everyone, please think on facts and reason, no going anywhere elsewhere, stick to your idea in brief words what is for you the default status of things?

For me it is existence: existence is the default status of things.

Dear readers here, take notice how my respondents will answer, as usual they will not give forth in brief words their idea of their default status of things.

That means they will not do any thinking of their own on facts and reason, to come up with their own idea exactly, what for them by their own thinking and directing themselves unwaveringly to the question, what is for you the default status of things?

For me it is existence, existence is the default status of things.

That is what I find in almost all who write in the internet, they seem to write in reaction to a question, not what the question is about, but what they have in mind even though it is not in direct connection to the question at all.

Why do they behave that way? Because it is the easiest thing to do, to do otherwise by thinking on facts and reason and being linked up truly to the question, that is too much work and besides it is alien territory to them.

And they feel that they are doing writing, but to what direction and purpose, when I am asking them a precise definite clear concise question in simple words?

So, take notice readers, how my respondents will answer my question to them, what is for you the default status of things, for me it is existence, existence is the default status of things.

If you find it difficult to think, then just tell me you will take it from me, and ask me what is my point.
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Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2015 01:38 pm
I am sorry, the message is addressed to all.

Do you notice, dear readers here, that no one poster has given me and you readers what is their default status of things.

Okay, everyone, please think on facts and reason, no going anywhere elsewhere, stick to your idea in brief words what is for you the default status of things?

For me it is existence: existence is the default status of things.

Dear readers here, take notice how my respondents will answer, as usual they will not give forth in brief words their idea of their default status of things.

That means they will not do any thinking of their own on facts and reason, to come up with their own idea exactly, what for them by their own thinking and directing themselves unwaveringly to the question, what is for you the default status of things?

For me it is existence, existence is the default status of things.

That is what I find in almost all who write in the internet, they seem to write in reaction to a question, not what the question is about, but what they have in mind even though it is not in direct connection to the question at all.

Why do they behave that way? Because it is the easiest thing to do, to do otherwise by thinking on facts and reason and being linked up truly to the question, that is too much work and besides it is alien territory to them.

And they feel that they are doing writing, but to what direction and purpose, when I am asking them a precise definite clear concise question in simple words?

So, take notice readers, how my respondents will answer my question to them, what is for you the default status of things, for me it is existence, existence is the default status of things.

If you find it difficult to think, then just tell me you will take it from me, and ask me what is my point.
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Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2015 03:02 pm
Please go to my new thread, Oh atheists, teach me there is no God and I will be free.
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Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 01:19 pm
Dear colleagues here, please consider this thread from me started way back on Sun 29 Mar, 2015 12:39 pm, see the OP in Annex below.

You see, dear readers here, the generality of posters do not do any personal thinking of their own, they would rather talk about things from other thinkers, and they do that in what I call in the mode of the third person impersonal anonymity approach.

That is the evidence of the kind of emptiness in their own heart and mind.

So, that should get you guys here feeling all hostile toward me; but please focus on my thoughts in the Annex below, and react to them, instead of getting all riled up with animosity toward me.

I love to read your reactions to my thoughts, instead of you reacting with your psychology of personal antagonism toward me, becauise I say from my very own personal observation on the generality of posters, namely:
From above:

You see, dear readers here, the generality of posters do not do any personal thinking of their own, they would rather talk about things from other thinkers, and they do that in what I call in the mode of the third person impersonal anonymity approach.

That is the evidence of the kind of emptiness in their own heart and mind.

Okay, readers here, let us all sit back and await to read with bated breath the reactions of posters here to my post here.

Will they react on the basis of rationality on my thoughts, or on the basis of their psychology of antagonism against me, because I tell them that they don't do any thinking from their very own mental resources, but always from the third person impersonal anonymity approach, by which they are safe from the fears they are plagued with, of committing some embarrassing faux pas,* owing to speaking from their honest and sincere heart and mind, of their own very personal thinking.

Existence is the default status of things.
Forums: Philosophy, Existence
Post: # 5,920,705 | Susmariosep | Sun 29 Mar, 2015 12:39 pm

I like us all readers here and posters to concur that existence is the default status of things.

What do I mean by default status of things?

But first what is existence?

Allow me to ask everone whether he knows that he is existing, if he says that he does not know, then he does have the consciousness that he is existing otherwise how can he be at all talking to us?

We are an example of existence, and everything that we talk about is an example of existence, even the things we talk about are exclusively in our mind only, meaning we have no instance of it having a corresponding object outside our mind.

So, by existence I mean anything at all which we humans can at least talk about, even just that it is in our mind.

On that basis of things only in our mind, we have also the idea of things outside our mind which exist independent of our mind and even if there were no human mind at all existing to think about it with other humans.

Dear readers, do you get my message, namely, that existence is the default status of things?

I mean there is and will be and has always been something existing.

Even before the existence of the universe there has always been something.

And after it ever the existence of the universe ends if at all, there is still something and will always be something and has always been something.

Now, you will ask me, what am I driving at with my idea that existence is the default status of things?

At this point I will ask you dear readers and posters here to volunteer your suspicion on what I am driving at.

In this manner I and we all will get to know what is the drift of my thinking and writing here, is that all right with you all?

*Google: faux pas

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faux pas
ˌfō ˈpä/
noun: faux pas; plural noun: faux pas
1. an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation.
synonyms: mistake, blunder, gaffe, indiscretion, impropriety, solecism, barbarism; More
informalboo-boo, blooper
"excuse my faux pas"

late 17th century: French, literally ‘false step.’
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Faux Pas | Definition of Faux Pas by Merriam-Webster
Define faux pas: an embarrassing social mistake — faux pas in a sentence.

Faux pas | Define Faux pas at Dictionary.com
Faux pas definition, a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion. See more.

Urban Dictionary: faux pas
French for "False Step." A severe social blunder or major breach in etiquette. If the faux pas in question was unintentional it oftens leads to a v...

Faux pas - Wikipedia
Please search for Faux pas in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings. You may want to read Wiktionary's entry on "faux pas" instead. Start the Faux ...

faux pas Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
faux pas definition, meaning, what is faux pas: words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite: . Learn more.

faux pas - Wiktionary
English[edit]. Etymology[edit]. Borrowing from French faux pas (“faux pas, blunder; misstep, false step”), from faux (“false, wrong”) and pas (“step”).

faux pas - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
Faux pas literally means "false step" in French, and that's a great description of what you do when you make a faux pas. It's a matter of stepping in the wrong ...

faux pas - definition of faux pas in English | Oxford Dictionaries
an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social sit... Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries.

Faux pas Synonyms, Faux pas Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
Synonyms for faux pas at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.

faux-pas noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
an action or a remark that causes embarrassment because it is not socially correct I committed a faux pas that my friends have never let me forget.

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0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 01:48 pm
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 02:21 pm
Dear Fresco, no need to bookmark my posts whatever, just take into account my answer in an allied thread, to Izzy, see Annex below.

In the meantime, I wish you happy thinking and writing, I will look up your new posts addressed to me, as I love to monitor you, to observe whether at all you have something from your very own personal thinking on your own very personal mental resources at all.

Post: # 6,484,183 | Susmariosep | Mon 14 Aug, 2017 02:10 pm
Forum: Oh atheists, teach me...

Dear Izzy, and dear readers here, you see, I think on the basis of three ultimate premisses of thinking that is worth any salt at all, namely:

1. The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.
2. Existence is from oneself or from another.
3. Existence is in the mind and/or outside and independent of the mind.

So, dear Izzy, do you have anything that you want very much to teach me, that is ultimately grounded on the above three premisses at all?

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to witness how Izzy will react to my invitation here.

Will he take up something to teach me that is to my observation first and foremost grounded on the three premisses I state above?

Because, I want to tell you, when you exchange thoughts with fellow humans, monitor their thinking to see whether they talk on the basis of these three premisses, or outside or even in contradiction to them.

When you see them to be outside and even in contradiction to the three premisses, avoid them like the plague: for there is no sense in getting into an exchange with such humans who are not grounded at all on solid foundation with their thinking.
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 02:38 pm
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 02:44 pm
Dear Fresco, I have to leave you now, but I will be back tomorrow and see what you have for me, I hope something of substance.

In the meantime, as you read a lot, tell me where is this quote from, "Angels fear to tread where fools rush in," something to that effect.
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 03:02 pm
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2017 12:43 pm
Thanks, Fresco, you are still in my company, glad that I can always count on you to have a warm body around, thanks a lot.

In addition to just bookmarking my thoughts, please also contribute something from your very own personal thinking, on the issue, Existence is the default status of things, okay?

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath for Fresco to come up with some instances of thinking on his very own mental resources, as to contribute to the expatiation of the theme, Existence is the default status of things.

You see, dear readers, that theme means that when any thinker starts from non-existence as the default status of things, then he has in effect annihiated himself into non-existence: what about that?

Do you see how wrong i.e. irrational, crazy, stupid... it is to not start with existence as the default status of things in the totality of reality?
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2017 01:55 pm
black and blue mark
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2017 02:21 pm
Thanks for your warm body company, go to the thread on Why believe in God... I am asking you there with what concepts you think if not with human concepts.

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath for Fresco to tell us, with what concepts he thinks, if not with human concepts?

And he will tell us that he does not think, wherefore we now understand why he is not making any sense of his posts except to indulge in nonsense.
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2017 01:02 am
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2017 12:23 pm
Bookmark, trademark, please what about dear Fresco marking yourself as intelligible.

At any rate, I see you to be a baby, so go back to sleep while I am busy thinking on how atheists think - they don't, they emote.

Even the warm body of a baby is good company; you see dear readers here, when you watch over a baby sleeping you will hear it farting gently as it sleeps peacefully in total security, with no nightmare whatever.

Now, Fresco has the picture of at present of a baby asleep farting bookmark and now trademark.
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2017 12:45 pm

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