Dear Fresco, this morning I have the idea of asking you what is your urge, in transmitting at this point in time again, a single word post, like in the present instance, tidemark?
My urge in this thread which is from my authorship is to inquire from posters here, what do they think about my thinking that, "Existence is the default status of things"?
Did you dear Fresco, ever had in this thread ever at all any thoughts on commenting on my thought, commenting with some relevant cognitive orientation at all, that "Existence is the default status of things"?
Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to read the reaction of Fresco to my present message:
Will he still continue to pursue a what I see to be nonsensical in re relevant cognitive orientation to the title of this thread, "Existence is the default status of things."
Or he will contribute a thought that is of relevant cognitive relevance to the title of this thread, namely, "Existence is the default status of things."