Quote:Mr. Moore, is that you? Surely you are not that ignorant. A single WMD could kill 1,000 Times more people that 4 airplanes did on September 11th. I'll grant you that there is some excess fear-mongering going around, but doubting the potential of advanced WMD is the epitome of foolishness. It is you who needs to do some research.
It's not that I don't think that WMD are deadly. Of course they can be. We can all envision a device that could spread a biological or chemical agent over a large area quickly, with devastating consequences to the populace inside.
But, the question remains, apart from nuclear devices, are WMD really more deadly than conventional bombs? A single MOAB dropped in the middle of a city could easily lead to thousands and thousands of civilian deaths, and two or three of them could be devastating.
I would think that the MOST advanced WMD would probably strip out conventional weapons in terms of killing power, but the average probably is not that deadly overall. Just look at McG's WMD, the sarin shell - that one didn't kill anyone. The militarized anthrax that was such a scare ended up affecting a very small amount of people in total.
WMD are not new; chemical weapons have been used for at least a century, nuclear about 75. Biological weapons are what we should be afraid of, but noone talks about them much. The WORD WMD, though... is scary concept for people to get their minds wrapped around. This fear is used as a tool to manipulate the public. I hate that...