Yeah, if I try, in my mind I can see purple unicorns riding Harleys around the bottom of the ocean. Doesn't say the first thing about whether or not it's real.
This is a photograph of a spirit in one of the many small chariots of God.
Psalm 68:17. The chariots of God are twenty thousands, Even thousands of thousands. The lord is among them as in Sinai, in the Holy Place.
The chariots of God is the living works of the Holy Spirit.
Think I can get any cold, hard currency for these? If so, I'm quitting my day job. I can churn these out by the dozens. And this is just my first effort. With a little more work, I can get textures and select backgrounds in there:
Maybe even for this one, if I can work up a good enough story:
The photograph that I have presented is of the Holy Spirit. He and His works are commonly mistakenly called a spirit orb or angel orb. It is not any type of orbital photo anomaly, reflection, dust, snow or otherwise. These photographs have been a mystery to mankind for decades. Here is a large number of testimonies of people who have seen the orb with their naked eyes.
And they're still a mystery because images like that are so easily produced, as are personal testimonies. What we really lack here is genuine evidence that can be tested by impartial, well-qualified experts.
No one is going around faking all those photographs. You are just either being extremely paranoid or terribly stupid.
Do you realize how much money changes hands in the name of religious faith? A healthy dose of skepticism and common sense are a lot better than head-over-heels gullibility. Demand verifiable evidence. Don't blindly accept what makes you feel best. I made those images in about 15 minutes, and it cost me nothing but that time. If I worked at it a bit, I could probably make some money off making such images. Think about that.
I have seen the Holy Spirit myself and can thus identify Him. I have spiritual discernment. I can identify some of His works as well. And, I have a great deal of experience with spirit photography. You are not going to find anyone more qualified. I started this thread because I know it is true.