"unscientific God"
Moronic statement. Seriously, this is among the dumbest most retarded statements I've come across. Not because I take some sort of personal offence to it, but just because it's a stupid combination of words that don't go together.
"An invisible God with an invisible spirit?"
Another dumb statement. Again, not because I take personal offence to it, but just because it looks like an attempt to discredit the relevance of that which we cannot see. We can't see our thoughts or feelings, but the sure as hell are there. And are of notable significance I might add.
"If it is religion you are selling please make a rational case for it."
Jesus saves. Period. Praise the Lord.
"Without religion we would still have philosophy..."
Some call Buddhism a religion, others say it's a philosophy. Which is it? Buddha came to his conclusion based on philosophical reasoning, and it is recorded that according to his understanding each person can reach enlightenment in the same way.. using philosophical reason.