@Frank Apisa,
Quote:If the god you are talking about is the god of the Bible, Leadfoot...it is offended by a hell of a lot more than just "denying reality"...whatever that means.
I'm trying to think of an example of sin from the bible that at its root is not a denial of reality but so far I can't. Please supply one or more if you like.
An example that might not be obvious is something like keeping the sabbath. Although the New Testament says we are no longer bound by 'the law', the basic principles do remain. At its core, that law was made for man's sake so that he takes time out from the necessary tasks needed to survive in this physical environment and spends some time contemplating his spiritual nature and hence his relation to God. If you neglect taking that time, you are denying the reality of your spiritual nature. That is a sin.
I hasten to add that 'keeping the sabbath' has nothing to do with one particular day of the week or where you choose to contemplate your spiritual nature.