The Bible talks about "the prince of the power of the air"...
Leading people to believe in the power of placebos and Gods that don't exist or care to provide miracles...
Eventually they will need something concrete for that cancer and not just well wishing and sugar pills.
It is precisely at the moment that the realization comes that prayer won't cure their cataracts. This is when the disillusionment is revealed, the deception exposed and when they reach out for something that is not "fake" they get a handful of air...
Gullible religious people will pay a lot of money for air these days...
The only people endorsing this "power of the air" are shysters and people hoodwinked by the charade.
Sugar pills might make your tummy feel good and promote a false sense of well being, for a while that is, but will they cure those cataracts? There is not a single documented case...