But amateurs know the best facts. hehehe
thanks for looking all that up though. I had a few other questions I had not even thought of , answered in those pages .
as for the alcohol ..>sigh< you are right, in EVERY country things are diffrent and not as important -so to speak-. In america it seems that NO alcohol , NO drugs No anything is the rule, not just stating facts about what it is/does etc. I have also heard that some alcohol during pregnancy ISNT a problem. In my opinion the problem with that statement is the handfull of people who will take that to mean that a few a DAY or HOUR isnt a problem. Moderation isnt in the american language there for most doctors just say no, and advise totally against it. Having a beer / glass of wine what ever.. isnt going to do anything if in moderation. During and after pregnancy.
> i am going to get shot for that statement <
What causes FAS is the steady exposure of alcohol to a growing fetus. After the child is born, a constant supply of alcohol in breast milk ( meaning several drinks a day , EVERYday) leads to liver / bladder problems in children.
Imagine the doctor who would be honest and say that? he could be sued by ANY woman who could EVER say they had alcohol during thier pregnancy and had problems.
That doctor would not survive the court room to practice again. Americans are too sue happy and would jump all over the opportunity to sue a doctor who would say that. So there for the answer you will probally find 90% + of the time is absolutly no alcohol period...
pretty sad I think. There are things in alcohol that are beneficial to people. Just like everything else though it isnt beneficial in large amounts.
I gave my son Humphrey's all natural teething pellets. They have nat ingredients like bella donna, chamomille and some other things. They dissolve right away and help ALOT. You can buy them at walgreens, cvs, etc, they are in the baby aisle with the other teething stuff and are like $7.00. He was teething very early (2 mos) and had 8 teeth when he was 7 mos old. I have also tried the rum, when he had two teeth breaking through at a time. It helped him ALOT. Honestly, .000001 of an oz of Rum that your baby probably wont even swallow wont hurt them. Think about if you were having new teeth breaking through your gums? Im sure you would want a drink. I can only imagine the pain our poor babies go through.