I wish to embark on my educational journey to beautiful South Korea
(,) also known as one of the “Four Tigers of East Asia”. According to what I have
been (omit "been") heard and got through
in (the, not in) internet, in Korea
(the) academic environment is highly competitive and
where (omit "where")the people are very serious about their studies. Korea’s information and communication technology is considered as one of the best in the world. Korea is especially notable for its expertise in IT and Robotics
where (? do you mean "so it is"?) a suitable destination to achieve my long time academicals and professional goals.
I have faced many challenges, balancing work and school, and I have willingly given my time. My goal is to become a expert in IT so that I can perform tasks that clients cannot do for themselves. I know that when I reach my goals, I will be able to provide something meaningful to all of the society including my mother land, Sri Lanka as well as Korea. Korean Government Scholarship Program and grants will assist in achieving my goals through supporting expenses from airfare to dissertation printing cost would be something even unimaginable.
(meaning of this sentence not clear) In essence
(,) KGSP will allow me to receive an excellent education in
(an) amazing country by supporting my education,
(period, not comma) this scholarship will enable me to spread my new found insight and knowledge to further educate the people around me as well as support their lives with giving over 100% in when it comes to professional service. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Also, the reference to 100% is awkwardly worded and, in theory, there is no such thing as "over" 100%, because 100% is all there is. I think you want to replace "with giving over 100% in" with "by giving 100%"