In a book concerning Dutch immigrants in the USA I came up with a whole bunch of American-English words which are derived from the Dutch language, which I want to share with you:
Boss (from the Dutch "baas")
Coleslaw (from "koolsla")
Cookie (from "koekje")
Dumb (from "dom")
Hook (from "hoek")
Scow (from "schouw")
Skate (from "schaats")
Sleigh (from "slee")
To snoop (from "snoepen")
Spook (from "spook")
Stoop (from "stoep")
Waffle (from "wafel")
Then there goes the rumor OK is from the American president of Dutch origin Martin van Buren, who was born in Kinderhoek, NY, and had as nickname Old Kinderhook - O.K. Because he signed his papers with O.K. it is said that OK comes from this American president of Dutch origin. It should be said however this is one of many explanations.
Further more, the word yankee is said to come from the Dutch names Jan-Kees or Jan Kaas (although there is no scientific proof for that).
What IS for sure is that Santa Claus comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas.