It's funny, I was not particularly popular but ended up with a child who is very popular and now extremely successful. Here's some lessons I learned.
1. Dress well and Smile. Be someone fun to be with.
2. Read the book. How to Win Friends and Influence People. All the lessons are in there.
3. Talk to people about what interests them. Try to interact with each person in a different way. Understand each person's interests. Jack, your Giants are doing well.
4. Look each person in the eye. Develop a firm handshake.
5. When you see someone smile and greet them by name. Hey Jack, how are you.
6. Don't be unusually sensitive. Sometimes someone is in a bad mood.
7. Pick up a check wherever possible.
8. Be calm in tough situations.
7. Show confidence. Do not have a lot of unnecessary body movements and instead show calmness and confidence.