thehamster wrote:I beg you guys, please vote Kerry in.
You can slap his face after the next four years by voting a third party candidate or having someone remove your anti-democratic first-past-the-post system (is my vocab right here? that expression sounds pretty weird to me).
But with Bush in office for another four years - what's going to happen to our planet and your country?
Try to remember the Patriot Act and crap like that when going to the polls.
You might want to read some of those comments from the guys who served on swiftboats in Nam:
Basically, they claim that they gave the gigolo the three purple hearts to get rid of him. They say that the guy required "constant supervision", had started shooting people for fun, and was considered dangerous.
Basically, there were places for guys who LIKED to kill people in Attila the Hun's army, in Chengis Khan's army, and in Adolf Hitler's army, but not in the United States Army...
In our army, you have to know how to kill people, but they don't really want guys who enjoy it. Possibly something about this still being mainly a Christian country.