Thu 19 Feb, 2015 11:32 pm
I'm a 19 year old guy who lost a lot of hair diffusly ( no bald spots) after a close family death gave me a stress condition. It was so thin I opted to shave it off, to the skin. Now people say it looks good on me (surprising as I'm a skinny pale guy, decent muscle tone but not mass) but I'm worried what the girls my age I find attractive will think, I do have decently high standards but hold myself to them as well. A big goal of mine was to be married in my 20's to a girl I was attracted to for her body and mind and I feel like this threatens that a lot. So young ladies, could/have/would you date a young guy who already had to shave thier heads to the skin? Is it going to put me at a disadvantage compared to 'hairy' guys? And does it hurt my chances of the goal or am I just worry about it too much? Be honest, I appreciate honesty even when it's cold if it's respectful.
I don't know if we've got many women on here who are your age. My daughter is the same age as you and I'm pretty sure the marriage thing would bother her more than the lack of hair. Yes, you're worrying too much - about your hair and finding a wife - you're 19 so go out and conquer the world. You'll find love in the process, whether you have hair or not.
- Pearlymum (not young, never much of a lady)