Tue 15 Jun, 2004 01:33 pm
What do you think the most misspelled word is?
I've noticed a ton of people, here, and through personal emails, spell the word "weird" as "wierd."
Granted there are a lot of people who can't write a complete paragraph with four words spelled correctly, but this word for some reason stumps many people. Maybe they missed that day in fourth grade?
What do you think..any other brain busters you see many confused on?
Many use the word "loose" when they mean "lose". Drives me nuts.
Why do you axe?
Its actually Sloppy Doo Hoo
cjhsa wrote:Many use the word "loose" when they mean "lose". Drives me nuts.
Why do you axe?
Hollee crapp that annoies mee.
I before E except after C, with the exception of some weird words. I must admit, I sometimes make a typo with weird, and the other exceptions, but it's only because I'm sydlexic. Don't poke fun at the handicapped, unless there are plenty of people around you to laugh.
One I see a lot is "alot."
Another is "walla," meaning, of course, voila.
Not so much a misspelling, but a misuse of:
there - their - they're and its - it's
Drives me nuts when people misspell trapanasomiasis.
Sinsinatti, Masachussetts and Misispipi are often mispeled as wel.
I was just grappling with the word "weird" today!
I was thinking "i before e", but it looked weird spelled that way, so I spelled it my usual way!
(It was an e-mail to my admin office, which is why I gave it a second thought in the first place!)
I agree with all of the above. That loose/lose makes me crazy, but most especially that misspelling of trapanasomiasis that Craven pointed out. I HATE that!
i don't understand what your talking about...
Yo. sumtimez peeps go speek all gett-o n uze stuff like dat, 2.
Eye have a spell-chequer, sew my spelling is write as it does it four me.
I grapple with weird, guess, below/bellow, and even lose/loose. And, when I've had more than one beer, my spelling gets worse.
that's the opposite for me, when i drink i speel much gooder
Internet language bothers me immensely. "U R 2 QT!" What the hell is that? I don't care about the linguistic arguments that phonetic language on the internet helps facilitate communication between people of different cultures, who speak different languages. It's still annoying as hell.