Tue 29 Aug, 2017 04:19 pm - WHY does s'happen? I'm simply pointing out that the answer has NEVER been known, and it never will be.
I'm also pointing out that there is actually only ever one... (view)
Mon 28 Aug, 2017 11:55 pm - No problem, sure.
The mystery, however, yet remains.
It seems that a deep acknowledgement of this unsolvable mystery is the most 'open-eyed' stance that could be taken.
What is... (view)
Mon 28 Aug, 2017 06:19 pm - In truth, the naturally occurring 'shape' of the eternally cyclic Universal Process is the only shape that ever actually occurs in Reality.
Because 'Causeless Shapelessness'... (view)
Tue 22 Mar, 2016 09:26 pm - Okay....but what is the nature of the continuous perceiver of these intermittent internal and external verbalisations?
Tue 22 Mar, 2016 03:14 pm - You are aware.
You perceive 'change'.
You seem to be a particular body/mind. However, is this body/mind that you seem to be not in fact just another part of the... (view)
Fri 12 Feb, 2016 01:33 pm - Of course it still holds. Pretty much anyone who would be on a forum like this one would know what I mean by those words in the context I'm using them in. I can give more specific definitions... (view)
Thu 11 Feb, 2016 03:36 pm - Here's my basic line of reasoning.
What we call 'change' can have no real beginning or ending. If it did have a real beginning, then that beginning would have also been the ending... (view)
Thu 4 Feb, 2016 04:09 pm - It will certainly appear to be word salad. Just know that I'm not trolling. Simply ask me questions about my position (if you want to) and I will gladly attempt to answer them.
:) (view)