Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 06:22 am
I gave you the opportunity to give me a thread where this had been thrown at you, you declined.

You said everybody who criticised Obama's policies got called a racist.

I searched for 'Obama' using A2k's search tool and picked the first thread with more than 20 responess. 2013 was after Obama's second term started. Not likely to find much about Obama's policies after 2016.

You still have the opportunity to present an example - I'm happy to do another random search. Either way your claim was snowflake bullshit.
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 08:09 am
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — One of President Donald Trump’s top reelection advisers told influential Republicans in swing state Wisconsin that the party has “traditionally” relied on voter suppression to compete in battleground states, according to an audio recording of a private event obtained by The Associated Press. The adviser said later that his remarks referred to frequent and false accusations that Republicans employ such tactics.

Justin Clark, a senior political adviser and senior counsel to Trump's reelection campaign, made the remarks on Nov. 21 as part of a wide-ranging discussion about strategies in the 2020 campaign, including more aggressive use of Election Day monitoring of polling places.

“Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places,” Clark said at the event. “Let’s start protecting our voters. We know where they are. ... Let’s start playing offense a little bit. That’s what you’re going to see in 2020. It’s going to be a much bigger program, a much more aggressive program, a much better-funded program.”

Asked about the remarks by AP, Clark said he was referring to false accusations that the GOP engages in voter suppression.

“As should be clear from the context of my remarks, my point was that Republicans historically have been falsely accused of voter suppression and that it is time we stood up to defend our own voters," Clark said. "Neither I nor anyone I know or work with would condone anyone’s vote being threatened or diluted and our efforts will be focused on preventing just that.”

Clark made the comments Nov. 21 in a meeting of the Republican National Lawyers Association’s Wisconsin chapter. Attendees included the state Senate's top Republican, Scott Fitzgerald, along with the executive director of the Wisconsin Republican Party.

Audio of the event at a country club in Madison obtained by the liberal group American Bridge was provided to AP by One Wisconsin Now, a Madison-based liberal advocacy group.

The roughly 20-minute audio offers an insider's glimpse of Trump's reelection strategy, showing the campaign focusing on voting locations in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which form the the so-called “blue wall” of traditional Democratic strength that Trump broke through to win in 2016. Both parties are pouring millions of dollars into the states, anticipating they'll be just as critical in the 2020 presidential contest.

Republican officials publicly signaled plans to step up their Election Day monitoring after a judge in 2018 lifted a consent decree in place since 1982 that barred the Republican National Committee from voter verification and other “ballot security” efforts. Critics have argued the tactics amount to voter intimidation.

The consent decree was put in place after the Democratic National Committee sued its Republican counterpart, alleging the RNC helped intimidate black voters in New Jersey's election for governor. The federal lawsuit claimed the RNC and the state GOP had off-duty police stand at polling places in urban areas wearing armbands that read "National Ballot Security Task Force," with guns visible on some.

Without acknowledging any wrongdoing, the RNC agreed to the consent decree, which restricted its ability to engage in activities related to ballot security. Lifting of the consent decree allows the RNC to “play by the same rules” as Democrats, said RNC communications director Michael Ahrens.

Now the RNC can work more closely with state parties and campaigns to do what we do best, ensure that more people vote through our unmatched field program,” Ahrens said.

Although the consent decree forced the Trump campaign to conduct its own poll monitoring in 2016, the new rules will allow the RNC to use its multi-million dollar budget to handle those tasks and coordinate with other Republican groups on Election Day, Clark said.State directors of election day operations will be in place in Wisconsin and every battleground state by early 2020, he said.

In 2016, Wisconsin had 62 paid Trump staff working to get out the vote; in 2020, it will increase to around 100, Clark said.

Trump supports the effort, he said in the audio recording.

“We’ve all seen the tweets about voter fraud, blah, blah, blah,” Clark said. “Every time we’re in with him, he asks what are we doing about voter fraud? What are we doing about voter fraud?’ The point is he’s committed to this, he believes in it and he will do whatever it takes to make sure it’s successful.”

Clark said Trump’s campaign plans to focus on rural areas around mid-size cities like Eau Claire and Green Bay, areas he says where Democrats “cheat.” He did not explain what he meant by cheating and did not provide any examples.

Cheating doesn’t just happen when you lose a county,” Clark said. “Cheating happens at the margin overall. What we’re going to be able to do, if we can recruit the bodies to do it, is focus on these places. That’s where our voters are.”

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Wisconsin.

“If there's bad behavior on the part of one side or the other to prevent people from voting, this is bad for our democracy,” Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers said in reaction to Clark's comments. “And frankly, I think will whoever does that, it will work to their disadvantage. It will make them look, frankly, stupid.”

Wisconsin's attorney general, Democrat Josh Kaul, represented the Democratic National Committee in a 2016 New Jersey lawsuit that argued the GOP was coordinating with Trump to intimidate voters. Kaul argued then that Trump's campaign "repeatedly encouraged his supporters to engage in vigilante efforts" in the guise of ferreting out potential voter fraud. The Republican Party disputed any coordination.

“It is vital that Wisconsinites have free and fair access to the polls, and that we protect the security and integrity of our elections," Kaul said in a statement in reaction to Clark's comments. "The Wisconsin Department of Justice has been and will continue working with other agencies to protect our democratic process.”

Mike Browne, deputy director of One Wisconsin Now, said Clark's comments suggest the Trump campaign plans to engage in “underhanded tactics” to win the election.

"The strategy to rig the rules in elections and give themselves an unfair partisan advantage goes to Donald Trump, the highest levels of his campaign and the top Republican leadership,” Browne said. "It's clear there's no law Donald Trump and his right-wing machine won't bend, break or ignore to try to win the presidency."

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 09:17 am
The only party with an actual history of voter disenfranchisement is the Democratic Party.

But... Democrats like to falsely accuse Republicans of the Democrats' own misdeeds.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 03:04 pm
Trump Adviser Caught On Tape: Voter Suppression Key To GOP Battleground Efforts

Still up to his old tricks...

Fake president.

After posting this I saw your post, thank you Revelette3.
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 03:09 pm

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 03:31 pm
@Region Philbis,
Projection is not working. FAIL.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 04:27 pm
Regarding Hillary Clinton:

A friend of mine once told me that he could not support Hillary Clinton because she had ten people murdered.

His Christian wife told him that and therefore, it must be true...

Russian intel planted fake report that Seth Rich was killed by assassins working for Clinton
by Caitlin Yilek | July 09, 2019 10:19 AM

I have yet to hear of one single solitary crime that Hillary Clinton has ever committed, let alone been convicted of...

Name any crime and you will find a malicious Russian or Republican behind the LIE!

On the other hand there are thousands of deeds worthy of great praise that are certifiably true about the life of Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton.

Even the things that some may argue were not politically sound that Hillary may have supported, they certainly can be chalked up as minor mistakes in assessing the available facts at the time regarding a law or policy.

In other words, she has always governed with her her heart and conscience, and with a high degree of morality and vigor.

To compare her to Trump is a laughable proposition... REALLY LAUGHABLE.

To dislike her because she remained with her cheating husband to save her family, is that really all you have got? That she has a forgiving nature?

Perhaps she defended her husband too vehemently while under under false pretenses? Are we supposed to believe that Bill told the truth to her at first?

Did she not also deserve a little bit of time to digest this kind of situation thrust upon her and process it and respond in the correct manner?

She is accused of sabotaging Bernie Sanders' Campaign... Well isn't Bernie also accused of hacking into the DNC?

And when the cards were all down, it was Bernie who wholeheartedly threw his support and that of his followers behind Hillary Clinton, so she won the popular vote.

Were it not for Trump and Russia cheating, Hillary won the election...

After being slandered through the press with fake news... cheated on, hacked and brought up on false congressional charges, and having a presidential election STOLEN from her, can you not even find anything nice to say about Hillary Clinton?

So, she is a career politician, that is bound to create some disagreements on policy. But if that is all you have then I would look deeper as your hate for her is probably an illness you carry...

The problem is YOU, not Hillary.
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 04:30 pm
I have yet to hear of one single solitary crime that Hillary Clinton has ever committed, let alone been convicted of...

And you won't as long as she is protected by her corrupt organization. Barr is working on that also. The investigation Huber is running is still going on too. We can only hope she gets hers.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 04:42 pm
By Republican Standards, Almost Nothing Is Racist
When Democrats are accused of anti-Semitism, Republicans understand that coded language can be hurtful. But Trump’s racist comments get a pass.

JULY 19, 2019

Peter Beinart
Professor of journalism at the City University of New York

Most of the time, conservatives and Republicans want the bar for what constitutes bigotry to be set extremely high. When President Donald Trump tweeted last weekend that four nonwhite Democrats in Congress should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” he offered a textbook example of racism. Trump’s own Equal Employment Opportunity Commission uses the phrase Go back to where you came from as one of its examples of discrimination based on national origin. Yet Trump insisted that “those Tweets were NOT Racist”—even as he doubled down on them by launching an attack on Representative Ilhan Omar that prompted rally-goers in North Carolina on Wednesday night to chant “Send her back!”

At the same time that Trump was denying charges of bigotry, however, he was also leveling them. At the North Carolina rally, he accused Omar of “vicious anti-Semitic” remarks—a reference to her tweet that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s influence in Washington is “all about the Benjamins” and her allegation that pro-Israel groups “push for allegiance to a foreign country.” Those comments—which evoked hoary stereotypes of Jews as money-driven and disloyal—elicited criticism even from Democrats, and Omar apologized for the first. But however damning one considers her statements, it’s utterly illogical to claim that they constitute bigotry while Trump’s far more direct attack does not. Yet this is exactly what Trump and other prominent Republicans are doing.

When Democrats are accused of prejudice against Jews, Republicans can find it easy to discern ugly coded language. But when Trump and others in his party are accused of hostility to black people, Muslims, and Latinos, prominent conservatives set the standard for what constitutes bigotry so high that it’s almost impossible to meet.

Consider the double standard that Republican politicians and conservative pundits have employed when responding to Trump’s tweets. “The president’s not a racist,” declared Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who then went on to condemn Omar for her “anti-Semitic tropes.” On Face the Nation, the Federalist editor Ben Domenech twice ducked the moderator’s questions about whether Trump’s tweets were racist but volunteered that Omar had engaged in “anti-Semitic speech.” At The Resurgent, Erick Erickson explained that while Trump’s tweet was “bad,” he would not succumb to “all the people demanding everyone stand up and scream that it is racist.” Then, having established his extreme reluctance to level accusations of bigotry, he declared that “multiple Democrats in the past year have made a host of anti-Semitic remarks.” Why did these unspecified remarks by unnamed Democrats merit a firm condemnation, while Trump’s remarks did not? Erickson didn’t say.

Yet for intellectual inconsistency, even Domenech, Erickson, and McConnell couldn’t match Lindsey Graham. Trump’s tweets weren’t racist, Graham argued, because he hadn’t told all Somali Americans to go home, only Omar. “If you’re a Somali refugee who likes Trump,” Graham explained, “he’s not gonna say, ‘Go back to Somalia.’” But instead of looking for creative ways to exonerate Omar as well, Graham described not only her but also “AOC and this crowd” as “anti-Semitic.” What exactly Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or for that matter Ayanna Pressley or Rashida Tlaib, had done to merit an accusation of bigotry was left unstated. Graham didn’t bother to specify.

Obviously, this double standard stems in part from partisanship. If conservatives were motivated solely by concerns about anti-Semitism, they’d be outraged by Trump’s blatant insinuations that Jews are loyal to Israel and care only about money. In 2015, after all, Trump told a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, “You’re not going to support me, because I don’t want your money.” Speaking to the group this April, he called Benjamin Netanyahu “your prime minister.”

But in addition to political calculation, the dramatic divergence between the way conservatives treat charges of racism and charges of anti-Semitism is also a product of selective empathy. Although most Jews vote Democratic, Jews are well represented in conservative and Republican circles. There is no African-American, Latino, or Muslim Republican group with anywhere near the prominence of the Republican Jewish Coalition. This proximity sensitizes conservatives to the anxieties of at least one wing of the American Jewish community in ways that don’t extend to most people of color.

The radically different standard that American conservatives use to evaluate charges of bigotry against Trump and Omar has nothing to do with principle. It’s identity politics by another name. The harder Republicans work to find evidence of Democratic bigotry, the easier they make it for Trump to get away with his own.

Coldjoint's double standard hard at work condoning republican racism by citing democratic bias.
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 05:15 pm
By Republican Standards, Almost Nothing Is Racist

By Democratic standards everything is racist. It is coming back to bite them. Mr. Green
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 05:40 pm
Coldjoint wrote:
By Democratic standards everything is racist. It is coming back to bite them.

Is this statement helping you appease your guilty conscience?
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 05:45 pm

Is this statement helping you appease your guilty conscience?

I have no guilt. Yours is manufactured.
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 05:53 pm
You sociopaths are incapable of feeling guilt and you have conspiracy delusions...

Democrats are coming to take you away haha hehe hoho!!!

A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary, generally in reference to a mental disorder.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 05:54 pm
Twitter just suspended over 88,000 accounts tied to a Saudi disinformation campaign

How is Trump gonna spread fake news now?

Trump and the republicans are colluding with our enemies AGAIN for political gain...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 05:59 pm
@Region Philbis,
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 06:01 pm
Facebook bans massive fake pro-Trump network as election looms

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 06:08 pm
I posted this yesterday on another thread regarding this subject:
Facebook says a pro-Trump media outlet used artificial intelligence to create fake people and push conspiracies

Facebook took down more than 600 accounts tied to The Epoch Times, a media outlet that has spent heavily on digital ads to push pro-Trump conspiracy theories.

Dec. 20, 2019, 1:50 PM CST
By Ben Collins

Facebook took down more than 600 accounts tied to the pro-Trump conspiracy website The Epoch Times for using identities created by artificial intelligence to push stories about a variety of topics including impeachment and elections.

The network was called “The BL” and was run by Vietnamese users posing as Americans, using fake photos generated by algorithms to simulate real identities. The Epoch Media group, which pushes a variety of pro-Trump conspiracy theories, spent $9.5 million on ads to spread content through the now-suspended pages and groups.

“What’s new here is that this is purportedly a U.S.-based media company leveraging foreign actors posing as Americans to push political content. We’ve seen it a lot with state actors in the past,” Facebook’s head of security policy, Nathaniel Gleiche, said in an interview.

The network had over 55 million followers on Facebook, almost double the following of Kim Kardashian West.

The accounts pushed anti-impeachment and pro-Trump messages while otherwise posing as everyday Americans. Sometimes the accounts featured obvious errors. One moderator of a popular “BL” page was named “Ellen Dancey,” but featured an AI-generated face of a man. Dancey’s sole post to his profile page read “Hello, wellcom to my face book.”


Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 06:36 pm
Thank you Bill for sharing this here. Smile

A massive foreign pro-Trump disinformation campaign targeting Americans with political lies.. Who would have ever guessed? (cynical)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 06:41 pm
Coldjoint's double standard hard at work condoning republican racism by citing democratic bias.

Why don't you show me a post that proves that or even gets close to it. The double standard is a Democratic and social mob possession.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 07:18 pm
Investigation finds GOP lawmaker engaged in domestic terrorism

Washington state Rep. Matt Shea is accused of playing a key role in 'three armed conflicts of political violence against the United States Government.

Trump's future jail mate
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