Armed Nazis Disrupt Detroit Pride, Desecrate LGBT and Israeli Flags
The republican (Nazi) party is anti-Israel?
Who didn't see this coming?
Nazis urinated, stomped on and tore up Pride and Israeli flags to maximize disruption of the Detroit Pride Parade.
Amid defamatory taunts of “**** you Faggots”, “Sieg Heil” and Trump rally cries armed Nazis under police escort disrupted the Detroit Pride Parade Saturday. A group of approx 10 Nazi’s and an apparent TERF with a megaphone marched to the entrance of the Pride Parade roughly pushing aside antifascists and pride revelers.
Via The Independent: Separate LGBT+ pride marches in the US were disrupted on Saturday, one by a stampede triggered over fears of a shooting and another by one of America’s biggest neo-Nazi groups.
In Detroit, an armed white supremacist group called the National Socialist Movement (NSM) descended on the annual Motor City Pride Festival, where they held placards, gave Nazi salutes and displayed armbands with swastikas.