Quote:Democrats beleve in government of the peopleBY THE PEOPLE FORTHE PEOPLE. The people make laws for our benefit.
You can't believe what you say is true can you? The DNC passes laws they think are good for the people, they don't actually pass laws that help anyone. I'll point to Chicago as a prime example, the DNC has controlled Chicago and pretty much most major cities for decades now, and the people who live there haven't seen much improvement, the schools still suck, crime is still high.
Quote:Republicans seem to support oone bigman making unilateral decisions fot his own benefit aand his sycophants.
Shallow thinking based only on who's President. Obama's legacy depends on EO/EA's to survive, that's why you are pissed that Trump can just sign them out of existance. Obama was the king of modern day EO/EA's.
Quote:Democrats thiink we shouldmake the decisions ourselves. repubs think trump alone should make the decisions.
No they don't, they pass laws on what they think is good for us, you can see the results of such laws in places like Chicago and Baltimore, San Francisco and LA. SF is now officially a **** hole based on the reports of human **** on the sidewalks, the city has a poop patrol, not for dogs but for humans. There is a report that medieval diseases are spreading through LA in the homeless population. Talk about progress for the masses...
Quote:repubs think trump alone should make the decisions.
I wonder how many bills are being discussed in Congress right now? We know the DNC is obsessed with Trump investigations, so they aren't working on the People's work. Since the GOP doesn't have a majority, none of their bills will be heard or passed, that leaves the Senate which is GOP controlled. The Senate can create bills and pass them along to Congress, which being lead by the DNC, GOP bills die. It's exactly the same position Obama was in for his last term, GOP House, DNC Senate, the GOP was called obstructionist...