Baldimo wrote:
I'm not surprised this is being done by the pols here. Colorado is filled with liberals who destroyed their own state, so they move here to repeat the process and then complain that things are so bad.
I'm pretty sure what they are doing is illegal. They are trying to punish a business for the personal views of their CEO. Don't worry though, there is another election coming and the normal people here in CO will be making ourselves heard.
Also I think no airport lets outside companies run concessions, they are all run by the the contracted concessions company, which in Denvers case I think is Concessions International LLC. The politicians are telling Concessions International LLC that they can not use the Chic-fil-A brand, they are not telling Chic-fil-A anything. Yes they are if they deny this deal denying Chic-fil-A some royalty money, but they are hurting Concessions International LLC more, as well as the people who use the airport.
Another thing to consider is that unless the people at Concessions International LLC are idiots they know that the people who use the airport would like to be able to get Chick-fil-A, which means that the politicians are denying the people what we want. That is in violation of their job description.
Also: I am not shocked or anything but in looking around a bit I see not a single "journalist" who acts like they understand that Chick-fil-A was not asking to open at the airport, Concessions International LLC is asking to operate the Chick-fil-A brand.