Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 02:34 pm
@Region Philbis,
Good job on that meme.
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Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 07:13 pm
Black Americans Are Reentering The Work Force Faster Than Whites

That means more black votes for Republicans.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 07:26 pm
No it doesn't. Black voters know that Rpublicans have been shafting them and ignoring them for years, because they are neither stupid nor blind. And it was Obams who saved the economy from the GOP meltdown of 2007 and put it back on a sound footing, not Trump, and they know that.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 07:30 pm
Black voters know that Rpublicans have been shafting them and ignoring them for years

After 8 years of Obama they realize it was not Republicans that shafted them. If you think they do not know they were ignored except when their color came in handy for Obama to stoke racial hatred, you are wrong as usual.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 07:48 pm
On the contrary, it is you who are wrong as usual. You have atruly warped view of reality.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 07:55 pm
You have atruly warped view of reality.

Then you think 8 years under Obama helped anything? 8 years of tearing down and race baiting. Enabling Islamic terror and cuffing the hands of our soldiers.

Selling out to the UN. Disrespecting Israel. And lastly politicizing our DoJ, IRS, FBI, and CIA. Traitor. All the while taking his orders from Jarrett.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 08:08 pm
None of that is true, a;; rea;;y sily far=right myths.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 08:12 pm
None of that is true,

Do you live in a vacuum? It is all true. Backed by Obama's words and actions, and inaction's. You need help if you really believe he did one thing worthwhile to strengthen or unite this country.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 08:33 pm
All you ever seem to do is read and regurgitate, and seemingly b elieve, extreme right wing paranoia, misinvormation, and connect-the-dots-wrong horsepucky. Obama was a pretty good president, who has consistently been quite a bit higher approved than Trump. He also stands head, shoulders, torso, and pelvis above Trump when it comes to telling the truth and not vain bluster.=
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 10:15 pm
Obama was a pretty good president,

Pretty good if you like traitors, I don't.
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Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 11:04 pm
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 11:19 pm

Which one is Donald Trump? Oh wait, is that Larry Kudlow????? Maybe it's John Bolton...
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 11:39 pm
Which one is Donald Trump? Oh wait, is that Larry Kudlow????? Maybe it's John Bolton...

None of those people lied about being there, Blumenthal did. Next.
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Region Philbis
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 03:07 am

Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 07:47 am
Likely voters who live in 69 battleground House districts across the country narrowly prefer Democratic candidates, according to a new Washington Post-Schar School survey, a potentially worrying sign for Republicans given that the overwhelming percentage of these districts are currently in GOP hands.

With just a month to the midterm elections and with early voting set to begin in many states, the new poll highlights the challenge for Republicans as they seek to maintain their House majority at a time when President Trump’s approval rating remains below 50 percent despite sustained economic growth, low unemployment and a rising stock market.

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Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 11:11 am
@Region Philbis,
The system is not broken, the Democrats lost. That is not a broken system, that is the system.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 11:58 am
Will Kavanaugh Confirmation Drive Women Away from the GOP? Not Likely

“When you dig a little bit deeper, I found it amazing that 55 percent of women thought Judge Kavanaugh should be confirmed as long as the FBI investigation didn’t turn up anything.”

Those pesky facts that show the MSM is lying to the American people, which is nothing new. It is just very widely known now that it is what the MSM does. So the lie is perpetuated, but not necessarily believed, the believers are dwindling.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 02:08 pm
We all realize it Baldimo. Literally all of us.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 02:09 pm
This is the system.

It’s not inaccurate to say that our system does not represent the will of a majority of American citizens.

Not is it inaccurate to say that Trump lost the popular vote or that Trump won the presidency despite having fewer votes than his opponent.

Nor is it inaccurate to say that some states have a disproportionate number of elected officials based on population sizes of those states and that the decisions those elected officials make could and often does not represent what the majority of citizens want, even if it’s a majority of senators casting the vote.

These are all accurate.

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