Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 08:24 am
I agree, it is a wild story, if he can back it up, some people will be in trouble. Trump of course will have covered his tracks, he may be a moron in a lot of ways be his clever in dirty tricks. One thing though, after clicking through the links, the doctor shouldn't have disclosed medical information to anyone. I am surprised no one has made anything of it.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:11 am
clever in dirty tricks.

He has had over a year to learn from the experts at dirty tricks, politicians. He has already whipped the MSM, he will master the tactics of the Left and use that against them.

Like Rambo and the 300 deputies chasing him. Those deputies are out numbered.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:26 am
Quote oralloy:
The Democrats are the ones who have prevented any investigation into the security of America's elections. They did that when they hijacked this issue and made it all about persecuting the Trump Administration.

Trump's son has admitted that most of the money coming into Trump's business for the last 20 years was from Russia. Trump's campaign manager, Manafort, worked for Kremlin operations and Kremlin oligarch operations for 20 years before joining the Trump campaign. Trump's campaign manager, Manafort, also got into trouble owing Kremlin connected oligarch Oleg Derispaka $15 Million and had offered to possibly do something for Derispaka in his position as Trump's campaign manager to get rid of his debt-basically selling his campaign manager position to the Russians.

Of course, then there's the meeting in Trump Tower between Trump jr and the Kremlin connected lawyer offering to give Trump's campaign damaging info on Hillary. Then they lied about the meeting, saying it was about adoptions. Then they lied about how many people were there, they had Russian oligarchs and Manafort there as well.

Then there's the fact that Jeff Sessions denied, during his Senate confiirmation hearing, that he ever met Russian officials. Then it was discovered he did have a meeting with Russian officials. Then two weeks later it was discovered he had a second meeting with Russian officials.

It should be mentioned that Trump's Secretary of State, William Tillerson, as head of Exxon was the only nonRussian to be awarded the Distinguished Star of service to the Russian government. Putin pinned it on Tillerson's chest himself. Tillerson also joked openly in the Russian legislature about how he was unconcerned about the American sanctions against Russia, he planned to do business with Russia anyway. Once in office as Secretary of State, Tillerson depleted the manpower of the State Department disastrously. And get this-Tillerson finally quit because he felt that Trump was being too pro-Russian! Even for Tillerson.

If Trump wants to know how come he's being investigated for Russian connections, all he has to do is look in the mirror.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:30 am
. And get this-Tillerson finally quit because he felt that Trump was being too pro-Russian! Even for Tillerson.

Prove that. Outrageous claims for effect does not work here anymore.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:36 am
Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia
By John CassidyMarch 13, 2018[/b]

On Monday, Rex Tillerson, the departing Secretary of State, cut short a visit to Africa to fly back to Washington. Before he left, he remarked that the nerve-gas attack recently carried out on a former Russian spy in Salisbury, England, was a “really egregious act,” but he also said it wasn’t entirely clear who was responsible. Later on Monday, though, the State Department issued a statement in which Tillerson expressed his “full confidence” in the British government’s assessment that the Russian state was almost certainly the culprit. (In the House of Commons on Monday, Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, said it was “highly likely” that Russia was responsible.)

“There is never a justification for this type of attack—the attempted murder of a private citizen on the soil of a sovereign nation—and we are outraged that Russia appears to have again engaged in such behavior,” Tillerson’s statement said. “From Ukraine to Syria—and now the UK—Russia continues to be an irresponsible force of instability in the world, acting with open disregard for the sovereignty of other states and the life of their citizens. We agree that those responsible—both those who committed the crime and those who ordered it—must face appropriately serious consequences. We stand in solidarity with our Allies in the United Kingdom and will continue to coordinate closely our responses.”

This was arguably the strongest condemnation of Russian behavior that the Trump Administration has ever issued. And it turned out to be one of Tillerson’s final official acts as Secretary of State. At 8:44 a.m. on Tuesday, Donald Trump announced Tillerson’s firing on Twitter.

Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:42 am
Rex Tillerson Gets Fired

An article from the New Yorker that cites the Washington Post and CNN for sources is meaningless. The MSM lies. This no more than opinion piece by a Trump hater.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:43 am
Blickers wrote:
Trump's son has admitted that most of the money coming into Trump's business for the last 20 years was from Russia.

As I said, all this is is a witch hunt against the Trump Administration.

Blickers wrote:
If Trump wants to know how come he's being investigated for Russian connections, all he has to do is look in the mirror.

The reason why Trump is being investigated is because the Democratic Party hasn't been outlawed in America.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:50 am
The reason why Trump is being investigated is because the Democratic Party hasn't been outlawed in America.

We should try prosecuting them first. Why doesn't anyone here want Clinton investigated and charged? The double standard stinks to high heaven. It is at the point of being ridiculous charging Trump officials for the same crimes Comey and Mc Cabe did and not charging them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:04 pm
Reuters Poll: Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week

Reuters is a liberal approved source, that is bad news for Democrats about black voters.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 09:50 am
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 11:01 am
He's quite big over here as a presenter and judge on talent shows.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 11:46 am
I am not sure I get it, we happen to get a lot of channels with amazon TV stick and still paying for satellite (got look into that soon); but I don't know if we can get that show.

In any event, he is 100% right.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 12:09 pm
Feds tapped phones of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, and caught one call with White House: NBC News

Do the feds have Trump on tape saying, "BURN EVERYTHING!"? Smile
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 05:26 pm
Who cares? Some jerk in the UK is not going to influence American blacks. Kanye will.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 05:50 pm
That particular video is from the ITV breakfast show. ITV was the collective term for the first commercial stations over here way back. Despite satellite and cable it's still a major player.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 05:51 pm
Terms Of Entrapment: Trump Should Demand Hillary’s Interview Deal

Why not? she was just SOS, he is president. All this unequal justice is bullshit.
Trump should insist on an interview limited to just two hours and at which staff members past and present can be present, like Mike Flynn, Carter Page, and Paul Manafort. They should be given immunity deals as were the likes of Cheryl Mills at Hillary’s interview. His interviewer should be as pro-Trump as was Peter Strzok, who conducted Hillary’s interview, was pro-Clinton. He should be allowed to say “I don’t recall” or its equivalent 39 times as Hillary did.. Prior to the interview,

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 06:06 pm
Do the feds have Trump on tape saying, "BURN EVERYTHING!"?

No, they don't. There has been a correction. Cohen's calls were tracked, not listened to. FAIL Laughing
Correction from NBC News: Earlier today, NBC News reported that there was a wiretap on the phones of Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime personal attorney, citing two separate sources with knowledge of the legal proceedings involving Cohen. But three senior U.S. officials now dispute that, saying that the monitoring of Cohen's phones was limited to a log of calls, known as a PEN register, not a wiretap, where investigators can actually listen to calls. NBC News will continue to report out this story.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 06:14 pm
NBC News Screws Up; Corrects Cohen Wiretap Allegation

MSM=Fake News
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 07:57 pm
Thanks I looked it up, saw a nice picture of the London Bridge.

My sister and her friend went on a European tour, they started in Spain and ended in Britain. She knows I like fans, so she stood in line somewhere in Spain and got me a pretty one, it's too pretty to actually use but I do.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 09:06 pm
They have lotsa fans in Thailand too! All hand painted.

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