You were actually talking about Christian Pastors who you see as crooks, you were not talking about the wealthy. Reread your posted meme...
Quote:Yea the crazy extreme left they are sooooooo terrible!
Those darned socialists!
How do the leaders of those extreme socialist and communist counties live? Venezuelan anyone?
So. I'm not concerned with income inequality, there will always be those who have more or less than others. You can't force income inequality in any way short of killing the rich taking their money. Increased taxes will not make the poor less poor.
Quote:And the 01% need tax breaks! They are hurting so bad! And the tax code is costing them a fortune in accountant fees. My heart bleeds for them!
When exactly should the "crazy, insane, extreme" far left say something about this?
All of your exclamation point usage isn't doing anything and proves my point about the "crazy extreme left". You don't care about the poor, you are angry that there are rich people.
Quote:This is not really socialism that they are really demanding it is regulation of capitalism!
We already have regulation of capitalism you want more regulation which from your posts points to no capitalism. I don't think you have the faintest idea of what capitalism really is. You think because there are rich people they stole it from someone else. Which rich person do you think stole from the poor? Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos? I'm sure you think the Koch's held a gun to some persons head...
Quote:Should all of our country's wealth be tied up in families that are buying our senators and starting unnecessary wars murdering millions of civilians, so they can profit from the carnage?
Our counties wealth? The only wealth our "country" has is what it gains in taxes from the people who actually pay taxes. The wealth you talk about doesn't belong to the govt or even the taxpayers, it belongs to the people who actually earned the money.
Quote:When exactly should the crazy far left speak up about these issues?
You have bought the line sold to you by the 01%!
The crazy left has always spoken about such things. Since the time Marx they have tried their best to thwart what is actually capitalism, socialism is just a lite version of communism with a "sense" of control by the masses.
I haven't been sold any lines, it seems you are the one who was sold a line. Lenin called you guys "Useful Idiots" because he knew you would sell him the rope they would use to hang us all.
Quote:That the 90% are so greedy always expecting a handout! The 01% have fed you this talking point and you parrot it like a mindless drone.
A handout? Last time I checked keeping more of the money you make isn't a handout. Greed is looking to take something that isn't yours.
Quote:The labor class of this country has proven itself many times over. It was the labor class that rid the world of Hitler so the crazy far right could elect a racist (alleged) pedophile as president!
You are so far outside of reality that I can't even hope to have an honest talk about these things. You speak just like a Communist when you use the term "Labor Class". Do I count as a member of the labor class? Does that mean anyone who makes under 1$millioin a year?
They sure as hell didn't beat Hitler just so a bunch of leftists punks could dismantle the system that they fought for, which it seems you don't understand in the first place. BTW, I love the addition of the "pedophile" tag to Trump.
Quote:The labor class works the jobs that do not provide a living wage even though it not enough to survive on. What the hell more do you want!?
Again with the Communist labels of people. You sure love that class warfare don't you?
What exactly is a living wage? $20hr? Why not $100hr?
Quote:I went to Burger King today... A guy in his 30's with one eye is working in a hot greasy kitchen for minimum wage making hamburgers for less than 40 hours a week. A wage that will not pay his rent or supply food for his family. All so mega corporation fat cats can feed their shareholders with more cash for their extravagant and decadent lifestyles of, gold toilet seats and ten car garages!
Stalin and Lenin would both be very proud of you and the anti-capitalist BS you peddle.
If the one eyed man at BK had skills that were above flipping burgers and swapping baskets of fries, then I'm sure he would be some where else. Unless you are handicapped, you shouldn't be 30 and working at BK flipping burgers. You should be a manager and be in charge.
Quote:When should the crazy far left speak up about this horrible condition of inequality that exists in our society?
There is no horrible condition taking place. People have made poor choices in life and get stuck, it's a fact of life. It's good that you feel for these people, but don't expect my pocketbook to pay for everyone you feel sorry for. People do indeed make their own choices in life though. No rich man robbed the one eyed BK worker and stuck him in that job.
Quote:Does Burger King need a tax break? Really?
I don't know if they do. I'm sure they would try for one if it were offered.
Quote:I applaud Burger king for giving the guy a job but... Is it out of the goodness of their hearts or because he is so desperate he will work for near nothing just to survive?
I'm beginign to think you don't know how things work. I mean you have your own idea of how they must work and then there is how things really work. Unless you want $15 Whoppers, you can't pay the guy $20hr. Little skill to no skilled jobs pay very little.
Quote:The freeloaders are no good! ...and those who do work these ridiculous jobs are not worthy of paying a living wage!
They would only be freeloaders if they were doing nothing and getting paid, like those able bodied people who collect govt assistance.
Quote:Have you ever worked at a fast food restaurant?
Yes I have, I have worked for several different fast food jobs... whenI was in my late teens and early 20's. I've worked for McDonalds, Arby's and a Fried Chicken joint. They did suck and I knew from that experience I would never work those jobs again.
Quote:Where is the equality in that?
What does a shitty fast food job have to do with equality? I think everyone should work those jobs when they are younger, they are not meant for people who have families. High school and college kids and even retired people who need something to do.
Quote:Would you like to collect other people's trash in the bitter cold for minimum wage? Those ******* minimum wage freeloaders expect to get paid enough to live on?
Who collects trash for min wage? Garbage-men actually make pretty good money, certainly better money than the fast food guy. I want a low federal min wage, the states can actually set the min wage for their own area's. CO for instance voted and passed, I joined in this vote, to raise the min wage to $12 hr by 2020. Currently it is about $9.80hr and will go up to $10.60 on Jan 1st, .80 cents a year.
Quote:You are sick in the head Baldimo! SICK!...
Nope not sick. I'm a realist and I understand how things actually work, not the Communist or Socialist Utopia you want.
Quote:When are you gonna wake the **** up and realize what a stupid **** idiot you are?
I understand a lot more about capitalism then you seem to understand. You live in a fairy land where fast food workers make $20hr, does that mean my wage should also double? I would love to make $80hr but the work and skills I have are not worth that much, and neither is a burger flipper worth $20hr.