We don't believe the Right's stories for good reason.
How about the crap the Right wrote about Vince Foster's suicide? According to conservatives, Hillary had him killed.
What about the money Clinton enemy Cliff Jackson paid Arkansas troopers to lie about Clinton's affairs? Let me refresh your memory:
"But in 1993, Jackson was still very much in the anti-Clinton business. He negotiated “personal
service” contracts guaranteeing jobs to Arkansas Trooper Larry Patterson and fellow troopers who told salacious fables about the Clintons’ sex lives to the Los Angeles Times and the American Spectator.
The December 1993 American Spectator story, by David Brock, was widely credited by the mainstream media, despite the self-evident absurdity of some of the troopers’ tales.
Believe what you will about the
president’s libido; but can anybody truly believe that Hillary Clinton allowed the late Vincent Foster to caress her breasts at a Rose Law Firm party in a public restaurant,
while she squirmed and purred like a cat in heat?
Well, that was what the troopers told Brock she did. And that’s what the American Spectator printed.
Within a week of the “Troopergate” bombshell, Jackson released an open letter to President Clinton in which he expressed
his hope that the public washing of his allegedly dirty laundry would bring about the “best possible future for you and our country.”
“I feel for your pain and that of your family,” Jackson wrote." "
We don't believe the hate-Clinton drumbeat coming from the Right because it has been the same old garbage for the past quarter century. The American people as a whole don't pay attention anymore, nor should they.