What would Rachel Maddow say if she met Hamas members?
Rachel Maddow: Hi, brothers, how are things with you?
Hamas: Not bad. Man, you look great.
Rachel Maddow:Don't call me a man. I'm a woman.
Hamas: Then you are safe. We are not going to bundle you into a truck. You know you don't even look like a woman.
Rachel Maddow: I took that as a compliment. Could you say it again?
Hamas members all chant: You look like a man. You talk like a man. You are a loudmouth.
Rachel Maddow: Thanks. Thanks. Now give me five.
0 Replies
Sun 23 May, 2021 07:50 pm
CNN's version.
Hamas: We just fired another rocket.
CNN:Wow, that was impressive. Did it kill anyone?
Hamas: Just some bugs. Two ants, three flies and five mosquitoes
CNN: Gee! You da man. Do you know that CNN is hiring cleaners? We could use your help in CNN. You know we also have cockroaches running around in CNN.
Hamas: I'd love to work with Chris Cuomo. He's "hot"
0 Replies
Sun 23 May, 2021 08:25 pm
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:
good -- his appearances on CNN were always awkward, and at times cringeworthy...
Santorium was always allowed to say ridiculous pro GOP things that went unopposed as long as he smiled. I would turn away when he came on......