Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 08:02 am

The bottomless money pit run by the loser illiterate criminal businessman Donald Trump. Tax evasion, exaggerated wealth, organized crime, laundering Russian money... It is truly time for law and order to be applied to Trump's crooked enterprise...

No more hiding illegal activities behind presidential privilege and, errr, Trump style, "fake lawsuits".
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Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 08:07 am

Another member of, "Antifa"...
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Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 09:02 am
Portland man arrested after robbing a McDonald's with a chainsaw

One less Trump voter in Maine.
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Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 09:15 am
McConnell Congratulates Neil Armstrong on Walking on Moon
By Andy Borowitz

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—On Tuesday morning, Senator Mitch McConnell officially congratulated the late Neil Armstrong on becoming the first person to walk on the moon.

Speaking from the well of the Senate, McConnell said that Armstrong “deserves our congratulations” for his heroic feat.

“Mr. Armstrong, by setting foot on the moon, you have served our country well, and I hope all Americans will join me in congratulating you,” McConnell said.
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 09:45 am
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 10:38 am
TheCobbler wrote:

McConnell Congratulates Neil Armstrong on Walking on Moon
By Andy Borowitz

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—On Tuesday morning, Senator Mitch McConnell officially congratulated the late Neil Armstrong on becoming the first person to walk on the moon.

Speaking from the well of the Senate, McConnell said that Armstrong “deserves our congratulations” for his heroic feat.

“Mr. Armstrong, by setting foot on the moon, you have served our country well, and I hope all Americans will join me in congratulating you,” McConnell said.

Andy hit that one out of the ballpark.

I loved it.

Thanks for posting it, Cobbler.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 02:45 am
Steve Schmidt Tells Rubio to F Himself
Editor's Note: Steve Schmidt is one of the founding members of the Lincoln Project. He is a communications and public affairs strategist who has worked on several Republican campaigns, including John McCain's 2008 bid for the White House, and he is now a regular political contributor to MSNBC.

On Wednesday night, Schmidt reacted on his Twitter feed to Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio's faux indignance at Joe Biden's campaign manager calling Republican lawmakers, "a bunch of fuckers." MaxNewsToday has assembled this 9-tweet thread and reprinted it as one easy-to-read op-ed for our ongoing segment, Schmidt Storm. It has been edited for grammar and clarity.

I’m speaking to you in a low and steady voice right now, just the way anybody would talk to an insane person.

Are you okay? Are you looking past the Senate and thinking of trying to beat out Zac Efron for the Bundy role in the next biopic? Are you trying to showcase sociopathy for the nation?

Your hypocrisy is evidence of a delusional personality that sees virtue where everyone else sees cowardice and craven dishonesty. You are an American Vichy. You abandoned every principle you once claimed fidelity toward to stand as an apologist for the most malignant and incompetent president the nation has ever had.

His lethal lying, and your complicit silence, have killed hundreds of thousands of people. He has poisoned the country with his idiocy, racial animus, conspiracy theories and lies. He has assaulted the rule of law, just as he has assaulted the Western Alliance that protects democracy.

During the last weeks, he has strangled faith and belief in American democracy with his lies, conspiracies, insanity and your help.

Tens of millions of Americans, to the delight of our enemies, have bought into your cancerous accusations assaulting the legitimacy of our elections process, which is the crown jewel of the American Constitutional Republic, the oldest in the world. Each morning, you have the nerve to tweet out Bible verses, while serving as a handmaid to Trump’s’ indecency, malevolence, bullying and cruelty.

You are contemptible. Please take your crocodile tears somewhere else. One can’t help but wonder if the Lord looks down at your epic fraudulence and says, “Wow, unbelievable. I really overdid it with this one.”

After four years of madness, corruption, death, lying and thousands of desecrations against our institutions, Lil Marco has finally roared, or perhaps squeaked, in righteous fury. His object, Jen O’Malley Dillon, for referring to, accurately, GOP Senators as Fuckers in Glamour magazine. As if.

Marco is a victim, it seems. He feels violated and debased, apparently. It’s like his 2020 was ruined, all of a sudden. Let’s reject Marco’s bullshit, crocodile tears and faux outrage. Sometimes, in times like these, it helps to reach for a quote from the pages of history.

The words of a President of the Senate, once uttered on the floor of that august chamber, seem appropriate for the moment, and especially for Lil Marco: “Go **** yourself.”
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 06:30 am
"We're at $27 trillion worth of debt. Somebody has got to pay for that. I mean, think of how much money this year we're going to lose at the federal level. It's going to be trillions of dollars." — Republican Senator Rick Scott, earlier today
Oh please. Republicans' complaints about the deficit are just hot air. Here's the real truth about the deficit they don't want you to know.
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 06:33 am
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 06:35 am
@Frank Apisa,
Thanks Frank for your comment. Satire is the only thing that makes the GOP's treason somewhat more palatable.
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 07:16 am
The Star Chamber was originally established to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people so powerful that ordinary courts may hesitate to convict them of their crimes.

I don't know why the words Star Chamber began kicking around in my head, maybe there is one good reason.

I had to look it up.
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:06 am
Jerry Falwell Jr. was just busted for even more alleged naughty behavior

Jerry dropped the lawsuit because, you can't pray the gay away, not in a church and not in a courtroom...

Jerry's problems go far beyond gay... There aren't enough letters in the alphabet to label his hypocritical brand of hate.
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:12 am
Like Frank, I really appreciate the articles you bring to this site, I appreciate the satire too, but, you have a way of bringing the really interesting stuff, like this post I am responding to.

I could add an unneeded and priggish general comment on the current use of the word in discussion, but like I said, in this case it is unneeded.

I agree with this line:
You are contemptible. Please take your crocodile tears somewhere else. One can’t help but wonder if the Lord looks down at your epic fraudulence and says, “Wow, unbelievable. I really overdid it with this one.”
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 11:20 am
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 11:21 am
WASHINGTON — Congress hit a new stumbling block in negotiating a coronavirus aid deal, the latest in a final turbulent stretch to end the year as party leaders race against a Friday midnight deadline.

Congressional leaders had settled on a $900 billion framework mid-week that is expected to include a $300 federal unemployment bonus, a new round of direct payments, small business funding and money to distribute Covid-19 vaccines.

Negotiators already dropped two contentious provisions that were holding up an agreement — liability protections for employers and funding for state and local governments.

But leaders had hit a new roadblock as Democrats on Friday accused Republicans, led by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., of seeking to hamstring the incoming Biden administration by cutting off Federal Reserve emergency lending facilities created by the CARES Act to protect the fragile economy.

Democrats want to extend that authority into the new year, describing it as an important tool to respond to an economic crisis.

A senior Democratic aide said "an agreement was in sight to deliver aid to the American people until Sen. Toomey and Republicans inserted an 11th hour purely political, unrelated provision to tie Biden’s hands and risk throwing the economy into a tailspin."

"We were in a very, very dangerous moment with respect to financial markets that were not functioning. And so these programs were stood up to revive these private markets and they were remarkably successful in that purpose," he said, describing his stance as "a Republican Senate consensus position."

Still, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., expressed optimism Friday.

"I am even more optimistic now than I was last night that a bipartisan, bicameral framework for a major rescue package is close at hand," McConnell said. "Like I’ve said, the Senate will be right here until an agreement is passed, whenever that may be."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and McConnell each said this week they planned to combine a Covid relief package with a must-pass $1.4 trillion funding bill that appropriators have negotiated in recent weeks.

But with the deadline hours away, that remains uncertain.

Party leaders have considered pushing through a stopgap measure to a buy a few extra days, but that could be blocked if some lawmakers object.

Congress could fund the government and pass coronavirus relief separately, but some sorry that could remove one incentive to quickly approve an aid package.

Or they could allow a shutdown on Friday at midnight to pile on the pressure to complete the task before lawmakers go home for the holidays.

Senate Majority Whip John Thune, R-S.D., said Thursday negotiators were still working to tie up "loose ends" as they craft the legislation.

"It's taken longer than I think everybody had hoped, but still hoping it'll get there," he told reporters.


Normally I post pieces like this on Blatham's Trump thread, but, Trump's been Missing on the talks, so. Anyway, at the end, what if Trump refuses to sign it out of spite at the last hour?
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 11:26 am
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 02:38 pm
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 02:39 pm
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 03:45 pm
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Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2020 12:44 am

Less government and even lesser of a president.
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