Gay-Hatin’ Indiana Republican Caught Trolling For Online Dick, What A Shock
By Evan Hurst -
October 27, 2015 - 3:45pm
Gotta have two monitors. One to call sports plays on the radio and one to talk to YOUR SEX BOYFRIENDS.
Meet your new gross Republican gay-sexing scumbag, what doesn’t support gay rights, and please try to contain your shock that this is happening AGAIN. His name is Brent Randall, and he’s a high school radio sportscaster and former boys’ golfing coach (go ahead and start making jokes about helping them with their strokes, it’s fine). He’d LIKE to be a city councilman in Goshen, Indiana, and oh by the way, his internet browser history is HI-LARIOUS:
Brent Randall, a prominent public personality and Republican candidate for Goshen’s District 5 City Council seat, verified this week that a profile page with his photos and information found on the gay dating website Adam4Adam was created and maintained by him. […]
The page itself contains general information — some of it explicit — about Randall and non-pornographic photos of himself.
We have a quibble. Adam4Adam? For actual? How 2008 of you, Brent! In today’s rapidly changing gay hookup world, Adam4Adam is ******* PREHISTORIC. We think we used it like one time during the Carter administration maybe? (Haha, just kiddin’, we were being BORNEDED during the Carter administration.) Try Grindr. Or Scruff. Or even Tinder, for Christ’s sake. Or like, just click here and take your pick.
As to the revelation that he has a profile on the gay-dating equivalent of Friendster. But he keeps the profile, because, we **** you not, “I do enjoy meeting new people of all different walks of life.”
He also says he got a divorce in 2009, and he doesn’t even know if he’s gay, straight, bisexual, or what:
“I don’t even know if I consider myself bisexual or not. I just experimented a little since I was single again.”
Fair enough. And that would be FINE, so incredibly JUST FINE, if it weren’t for how he’s opposed to adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s established civil rights ordinance. Swish this quote around in your mouth, and then spit it out like Brent Randall finishing his shift at the town gloryhole:
“I don’t know if I thought this wouldn’t come up or would (when running for office),” Randall said. “But I still believe in my heart of hearts that our gay and lesbian communities are protected currently under the law. If there are cases that need to be brought, let’s bring them. I don’t know why they feel they need special protections when there are other categories that might need protections. My little experimentation over the last six years hasn’t changed my view on that.”
Are the gay and lesbian communities in Indiana, including the members Randall knows in the unbiblical sense, actually protected? Ahem, no they are not! This came up back in the spring when Indiana passed that grotesque “**** The Gays” law allowing businesses to legally discriminate against LGBT people. Of course, that law was later “clarified” (after an intense backlash) to say that no, businesses are NOT actually allowed to do that, but part of the problem was that Indiana state law doesn’t protect gays and lesbians from discrimination in the first place. Oh and guess what? Indiana’s idiot governor, Mike Pence, is still digging deep into his windsock of a brain, trying to find new ways to discriminate.
So what have we learned, class? Oh, just that there’s a new Republican homosexxxy hypocrite out there, hungry for cock and rarin’ to discriminate against people just like him. He joins men like that anti-gay lawmaker in North Dakota what got caught on the Grindr; toe-tapping Larry ******* Craig and his wide stance; Family Research Council cofounder George Rekers, who for serious, only hired that hot young male sex worker to “lift his luggage”; and SO MANY OTHERS.
[Goshen News via RawStory]